Duchy of York


Central and Northern Florida

The Duchy of York is a Florida chapter of the Adrian Empire, a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to the study and recreation of Western culture between the years 1066 and 1603. Our members recreate the arts, skills, and culture of the Medieval and Renaissance eras. Our kingdom encompasses the state of Florida excluding Southern Broward and Miami-Dade counties.

Our group meets monthly to hold tournaments of combat, archery, and the arts. The combat tournaments include contests using "live steel." "Live Steel" means actual steel weapons and armor of various types used during the period. Archery is shot using long bows or recurve bows from varying distances. For the arts tournaments, our members re-create the fine arts, the food, the crafted items and bardic arts, song, stories and tales of the times.

Through the research involved in these activities, we are effectively increasing our own knowledge of history and heritage. Through the presentations and demonstrations we present to the public, we are teaching others about the past.


Our Ministers

No ministers entered yet.

Canton of Lancaster (Tampa Bay)

Canton of Sheffield (formerly Portsmouth) (Orlando, Florida)

  • Viceroy: Squire Corbin La Serre
  • Charters

    Internet Presence


    Local customs

    • Heraldry and pageantry are taken very seriously here!

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    The Adrian Empire, Inc. | All Rights Reserved.

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