Adria Members, The Archduchy of Alhambra Live

Adria Members, The Archduchy of Alhambra


NumberPersonaExpires OnCombat Tests
P-11168 Brigid4/1/2025 
P-1037 Arms Giuseppe Ferraro4/1/2025 
L-1067 Arms Dame Jesikah Mulloynevershinai=M; rapier=C; 
P-11268 Christine of Alhambra4/1/2025 
11113-11212 Gideon Pride4/1/2025 
P-7944 Arms Dame Saphira Catdragon4/1/2025 
P-11209 Marcella ( the Crone)4/1/2025 
P-11133 Arilyn Greenleaf4/1/2025 
P-1497 Arms Sir Michael the Sailor4/1/2025shinai=M; rapier=M; c&t=M; armored=M; missile=M; marshal=M; 
P-11222 Arms Viola Carrara4/1/2025 
11222-11224 Arms Wilhelus le Casse4/1/2025 
11452-11337 Drift4/1/2025 
P-10652 Arms Sir Jehu4/1/2025shinai=M; rapier=C; armored=M; missile=M; 
L-6159 Aloura Stonenever 
L-1928 Thomas Stonenever 
L-5604 Daria di Niccolonevermissile=M; 
L-2008 Arms Sir Mikcos Douglasnevershinai=M; rapier=M; c&t=M; armored=M; missile=M; marshal=M; marshal qualified
P-11022 Koda4/1/2025 
11022-11023 Eliza Mae4/1/2025 
P-2192 Arms Dame Allesandra Shae Mackenzie4/1/2025shinai=M; rapier=M; c&t=M; armored=M; missile=M; marshal=M; 
P-11165 Shamby4/1/2026 
P-10945 Caroleena4/1/2025 
L-9952 Sir Dafyd Hollowaynevershinai=M; rapier=M; c&t=M; armored=M; missile=M; 
9952-10852 Sondra Holloway4/1/2025 
11452-11338 Daisy4/1/2025 
P-11452 Randi of Adria4/1/2025 
11165-11295 Aubree4/1/2025 
11165-11293 Christopher of Alhambra4/1/2025 
11165-11296 Mackenzie4/1/2025 
11165-11294 Christopher4/1/2025 
11503-11504 Sam4/1/2025 
P-11252 ANDREA of Alhambra4/1/2025 
P-11521 Juliane of Alhambra4/1/2025 
P-11348 Sans Appelle4/1/2025 
P-11503 Lilianna4/1/2025 
L-11270 Cristiana the Pure MacDowellnever 
P-11271 Nichols McDowell4/1/2025 
P-11409 Alicen4/1/2025 
P-11113 Paisley Wilde4/1/2025 
11113-11182 Don Longbeard4/1/2025 
11113-11183 Bizzy Wilde4/1/2025 
8892-8893 cedric4/1/2025 
8892-9229 jasper4/1/2025 
P-8892 Lord Cormac ap shamus4/1/2026shinai=M; rapier=M; armored=M; 
11113-11229 Bellatrix Wilde4/1/2025 
L-11287 Al the Palidinnever 
P-9298 Lord Ermine4/1/2025 
9962-11477 Izabelle of Alhambra4/1/2025 
9962-11026 Liam4/1/2025 
2192-10694 Gregor of Alhambra4/1/2025 
P-9962 Arms Dame Rhosyn4/1/2025shinai=C; rapier=C; 
L-7161 Arms Baron Griffen Ulfhrafnnevershinai=M; rapier=M; c&t=M; armored=M; missile=M; marshal=M; marshal qualified

Combat Tests Key:
Membership ID Number Key:
L-1234Lifetime member
A-1234Associate member
P-1234Standard / Primary member
1234-5678Member #5678 is a family member of membership #1234
Pass level:CombatMarshal
shinai=Cshinai=MShinai Test
rapier=Crapier=MRapier Test
c&t=Cc&t=MCut and Thrust Test
armored=Carmored=MArmored Test
missile=Cmissile=MMissile and Siege Test
marshal=MMarshal Test
marshal qualifiedQualified Marshal

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