Date:  7-18-2024
Persona:   Courtney of Cathair Na Caillte
ID:  9836
Expires:  4-1-2025
Chapter:  Cathair Na Caillte
Event IDChapterDateLocationAttendedArcheryRobeCombatMinistry
17239Adria10-12-2018IST @ Sunset ParkX   X
17744Adria10-11-2019IST @ Age of ChivalryXX  X
18340Adria10-15-20212021 IST @ AoC Renn FaireXX  X
19223Adria10-6-2023IMPERIAL EXCEPTION: 2023 IST Part OneXX   
19224Adria10-7-2023IMPERIAL EXCPETION: 2023 IST Part 2XX   
19225Adria10-8-2023IMPERIAL EXCEPTION: 2023 IST Part 3XX   
TOTAL   75003

Imperially Reviewed EventX
Event being ProccessedO