Event List for Jayde of Auroch´s Fjord Live

Event List for Jayde of Auroch´s Fjord


Date:  6-30-2024
Persona:   Jayde of Auroch´s Fjord
ID:  10103
Expires:  4-1-2025
Chapter:  Auroch's Fjord
Event IDChapterDateLocationAttendedArcheryRobeCombatMinistry
16419Auroch's Fjord7-22-2017Summer Survior- July Make-UpX    
16411Auroch's Fjord8-19-2017Summer Survior- August Make UPX    
16561Auroch's Fjord12-16-2017Christmas in EnglandX    
16952Auroch's Fjord6-9-2018Arabian NightsX    
17706Auroch's Fjord6-29-2019Fjelborg Kingman, Az Canton EventXX   
TOTAL   51000

Imperially Reviewed EventX
Event being ProccessedO

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