Knight Robe on 10-13-2019 at the hand of HIH Eric McKiver & HRG, Mira Angel under the authority of TRG, Mira Angel & Drac O'Conner.
Knight Minister on 4-11-2009 at the hand of Conversion.
Knight Civil on 4-11-2009 at the hand of the Canton of Aurochsfyord under the authority of TRM Gwyllum and Ashlynn.
Knight Premier on 7-24-2005 at the hand of 2005 under the authority of TRM Sir Baine and HRM Dame Ashlynn.
Albion-Rayonne The Order of the Rose awarded on 11-21-2015 by Their Royal Graces, Steffan & Alistrina.
Cathair Na Caillte Order of the Quill awarded on 2-27-2022 by TRG´s Mira Angel & Sir Drac.