Event List for Moriki Bantha Live

Event List for Moriki Bantha


Date:  6-30-2024
Persona:   Moriki Bantha
ID:  10208
Expires:  never
Chapter:  Member at Large
Event IDChapterDateLocationAttendedArcheryRobeCombatMinistry
16386Adria9-1-2017ICW NE 2017 XX XX
16406Loch Fyn9-16-20172 day Sparta Ren FaireXXXXX
16401Loch Fyn9-23-2017Royalty and RoguesX  XX
16542Loch Fyn9-23-2017Royalty and Rogues FaireXX   
16543Loch Fyn10-15-2017Schuylar PakX XXX
17002Loch Fyn10-15-2017make up archeryXX   
16541Loch Fyn10-29-2017Moriki's MeadowsX   X
16544Loch Fyn11-18-2017Erie Canal VillageXX XX
16545Loch Fyn12-9-2017Loch Fyn LonghouseX X X
17025Loch Fyn1-14-2018Blood MoorXX XX
17024Loch Fyn2-24-2018Loch Fyn LonghouseXXXXX
17023Loch Fyn3-31-2018HeroConX  XX
17022Loch Fyn4-28-2018Moriki's MeadowsXX XX
17017Loch Fyn5-19-2018Holland Patent Mayfaire on the Green DemoX XXX
17016Loch Fyn5-20-2018Holland Patent Mayfaire on the Green, Day 2X  XX
17015Loch Fyn6-24-2018Schuylar ParkX  XX
17014Loch Fyn7-21-2018Schuylar ParkX   X
17711Adria8-31-2019ICW NE 2019XXXX 
TOTAL   18961315

Imperially Reviewed EventX
Event being ProccessedO

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