Knight Archer on 5-28-2023 at the hand of HIM Callon.
Knight Bachelor on 3-13-2022 at the hand of Sir Garou Feuille d'Argent under the authority of Duke Kerrigan and Duchess Rhanwen.
Knight Minister on 5-28-2023 at the hand of HIM Callon.
Chesapeake Star of Chesapeake awarded on 11-10-2019 by Dame Daniella Vadim and Dame Asheen Wyld.
Chesapeake Chesapeake Order of Crown Companions awarded on 11-10-2019 by Dame Daniella Vadim and Dame Asheen Wyld.
Chesapeake Golden Chessie Award awarded on 2-5-2022 by Duchess Daniella and Duke Kerrigan.
Chesapeake Order of Orion's Belt awarded on 12-10-2022 by Dame Rhanwen.
Imperial Order of the Escallop awarded on 11-17-2023 by By the authority of TIMs Callon II and G.