Event List for Maebh Bean Ui Glisain Live

Event List for Maebh Bean Ui Glisain


Date:  12-13-2024
Persona:   Maebh Bean Ui Glisain
ID:  10237
Expires:  4-1-2025
Chapter:  Auroch's Fjord
Event IDChapterDateLocationAttendedArcheryRobeCombatMinistry
16412Adria10-13-2017I/NST at Sunset Park, Las VegasXX   
16814Auroch's Fjord4-21-2018Pirate Fest 2018XX   
17239Adria10-12-2018IST @ Sunset ParkX    
TOTAL   32000

Imperially Reviewed EventX
Event being ProccessedO

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