Ministry Details for Renard de la Lune Live

Ministry Details for Renard de la Lune


Date:  6-30-2024
Persona:   Renard de la Lune
ID:  10349
Expires:  4-1-2025
Chapter:  Cashel
Event IDChapterDateLocationEPWarDemoDI
16868Cashel4-8-2018Southampton Faire 1010
16969Cashel5-19-2018Parodi's Paradise, Hayes, VA1000
16970Cashel6-30-2018Parodi's Paradise, Hayes, VA1000
17009Cashel7-21-2018Bowers Hill Baptist Church, Chesapeake1000
17136Cashel8-25-2018Parodi's Paradise, Hayes, VA1000
17277Cashel10-13-2018Harvest Faire, Endview Plantation0020
17372Cashel3-16-2019Parodi's Paradise, Hayes, VA1000
17927Cashel1-11-2020BHBC, Chesapeake, VA1100
18207Stirling8-29-2021Arts Judging Collegium - Zoom0010
18449Cashel1-8-2022Parodi's Paradise, Hayes, VA1100
18827Cashel4-15-2023Southampton Ren Faire tournament & demo1010
19119Cashel9-9-2023Sept. 2023 tournament/Harvest Faire, Courtland, VA1000
TOTAL   10250

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