Ministry Details for Master Erik Live

Ministry Details for Master Erik


Date:  9-26-2024
Persona:  Master Erik
ID:  10812
Expires:  4-1-2025
Chapter:  Terre Neuve
Event IDChapterDateLocationEPWarDemoDI
18448Terre Neuve9-18-2021Sept 2021 Tourney & Coronation Feast1000
18837Terre Neuve1-22-202212th Night Feast1000
18685Terre Neuve4-9-2022April Crown Tournament & War Combined War and Tournament at potrero County1100
18653Terre Neuve5-14-2022Skyline Home School Demo Terre Neuve0010
18549Terre Neuve1-7-2023Terre Neuve 12th Night1000
TOTAL   4110

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