Robe Details for Joy Lynne Live

Robe Details for Joy Lynne


Date:  8-31-2024
Persona:   Joy Lynne
ID:  11150
Expires:  4-1-2024
Chapter:  Member at Large
Event IDChapterDateLocationJourEPJourTWKniEPKniTWMWorkWarDemo
18655Adria9-3-2022Imp EXCEPTION - ICW NE Manada Gap, PA0000001
18656Adria9-3-2022ICW NE Leather working Collegium0000001
18867Adria5-27-2023IMP EXCEPTION Imp Banner War NE 20230000001
18869Adria5-28-2023Banner War NE 2023 Extra Class Event0000001
TOTAL   0000004

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