Ministry Details for Dan of Chesapeake Live

Ministry Details for Dan of Chesapeake


Date:  9-26-2024
Persona:   Dan of Chesapeake
ID:  11202
Expires:  4-1-2025
Chapter:  Chesapeake
Event IDChapterDateLocationEPWarDemoDI
19465Chesapeake5-5-2024Weeping Rose - May Pole Demo, Harrisburg, PA 171120010
19464Chesapeake5-12-2024Weeping Rose Crown Tourney, Harrisburg, PA 17121000
19492Chesapeake5-18-2024Scottish Games @ Fairhill MDX000
19542Chesapeake7-12-2024Weeping Rose Crown Tournament, Harrisburg, Pa 171121000
19615Chesapeake8-6-2024Dance demo, Mechanicsburg, PA 170550010
TOTAL   2020

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