Robe Details for Sir Marcus Blackwell Live

Robe Details for Sir Marcus Blackwell


Date:  6-30-2024
Persona:  Sir Marcus Blackwell
ID:  4547
Expires:  never
Chapter:  Cashel
Event IDChapterDateLocationJourEPJourTWKniEPKniTWMWorkWarDemo
6535Cashel9-13-2003Crown Tourney and Chainmail Class @ Chesapeake, VA0000001
4888Cashel8-26-2006Crown Event - Beauties of the Caribbean1000000
5575Cashel1-27-2007Tuckahoe Library- Richmond, VA1000001
5784Cashel4-20-2007RavenCon demo (Fri.) Richmond, VA0000001
9219Templemor4-27-2008Richmond, Va1000000
10397Cashel4-2-2011Courtland Library demo & tournament1000000
11706Cashel6-23-2012Brave Tournament & demo (Williamsburg, VA)0000001
12091Cashel10-13-2012Harvest Faire war/tournament/demo/local estates meeting0000001
12898Cashel6-22-2013Parodi's Paradise, Hayes, VA0000001
TOTAL   4000006


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