Knight Robe on 3-19-2006 at the hand of TIM Ashlinn & Pavo under the authority of TIM Ashlinn & Pavo.
Knight Bachelor around 5-14-1987 at the hand of Sir Philip le Coir Noir under the authority of Kingdom of Adria.
Knight Banneret around 2-17-1990 at the hand of Dame Anginette under the authority of Kingdom of Adria.
Knight Minister around 4-16-1988 at the hand of Dame Antoinette du Bonnett under the authority of Principality of Adria.
Knight Civil on 6-14-2009 at the hand of Dame Ariana Ruddcatha under the authority of TIM L'Bet & Lenora.
Imperial Order of the Crown Companions awarded around 5-16-1987 by Sir Philip le Coir Noir.
Imperial Order of the Queen's Guard awarded around 5-16-1987 by Sir Philip le Coir Noir.
Imperial Order of the Crown Guard awarded around 5-16-1987 by Sir Philip le Coir Noir.
Imperial Order of the Escallop awarded around 12-8-1988.
Imperial Order of the Table Round awarded around 6-8-1990 by Terrance le Coir Noir.
Imperial Baron of the Court awarded on 11-5-2006 by TIM Pavo & Ashlinn.