Event List for Daria di Niccolo Live

Event List for Daria di Niccolo


Date:  7-18-2024
Persona:   Daria di Niccolo
ID:  5604
Expires:  never
Chapter:  Alhambra
Event IDChapterDateLocationAttendedArcheryRobeCombatMinistry
5571Alhambra11-13-2004Beann Abhain, Nine Mile Falls WAX    
3213Alhambra6-25-2005Event@Keep of the Alfalfa @ Elk, WAXX   
3423Alhambra7-9-2005Colfax, WAXXX X
3214Alhambra7-16-2005Beann Ahhain @ Elk, WAXX   
3220Alhambra8-6-2005Shoot the Knight DemoX   X
3221Alhambra8-13-2005Nine Mile Falls, WAXX   
3224Alhambra9-24-2005Lord Protector's War, Elk, WAX  XX
3240Alhambra9-25-2005Nine Mile Falls, WAXX   
3241Alhambra10-15-2005Alfalfa Keep - Elk, WAXX  X
3243Alhambra11-19-2005Elk, WAXX   
3326Alhambra12-19-2005Spokane, WAX X  
5365Alhambra12-9-2006Canton of Urar Tiene @ SpokaneXX  X
5294Alhambra1-13-200712th Night Feast @ Moscow, IDX X X
5494Alhambra3-10-2007Canton of Urar Tiene, Alfalfa Keep, Elk WAXX  X
5753Adria6-9-2007Imperial Border War Northwest @ Central Ferry Park WashingtonX   X
5608Alhambra4-11-2009Alfalfa Keep, Bunny HuntXX   
TOTAL   1610318

Imperially Reviewed EventX
Event being ProccessedO

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