Knight Archer on 6-11-2011 at the hand of HRM Marion Leal Durius under the authority of TRM Sergei and Marion.
Knight Bachelor on 11-11-2006 at the hand of HRM Donavan under the authority of HRM Donavan.
Knight Banneret on 6-11-2011 at the hand of HRM Marion Leal Durius under the authority of TRM Sergei and Marion.
Knight Minister on 6-11-2011 at the hand of HRM Marion Leal Durius under the authority of TRM Sergei and Marion.
Knight Civil on 6-11-2011 at the hand of HRM Marion Leal Durius under the authority of TRM Sergei and Marion.
Esperance Order of the Old Code awarded on 12-9-2006 by Sir Coda Wolfram von Seiken.
Imperial Lord of the Court awarded on 11-3-2007 by TIM Ashlinn & Pavo.
Esperance Order of the Queen's Guard awarded on 7-11-2009 by TRM Jamie and Katherine.