Robe Details for Sir Marcus Decoure Nero Live

Robe Details for Sir Marcus Decoure Nero


Date:  6-30-2024
Persona:  Sir Marcus Decoure Nero
ID:  6103
Expires:  4-1-2025
Chapter:  Umbria
Event IDChapterDateLocationJourEPJourTWKniEPKniTWMWorkWarDemo
12215Adria11-30-2004HMR conversion prepared by Sir Pavo/approved TIMs Aislynne & Wright5000000
12103Umbria10-27-2012Umbrian Crown War and Arts Tourney- Dead Horse Ranch State Park1100010
12626Umbria5-23-2013Kingdom of Umbria Booth, Phoenix ComicCon, Phoenix AZ0000001
12627Umbria5-24-2013Kingdom of Umbria Booth, Phoenix ComicCon, Phoenix AZ0000001
13615Umbria6-6-2014Phoenix Comic Con0000001
13616Umbria6-7-2014Phoenix Comic Con0000001
14432Umbria5-8-2015Western Sky Middle School Demo0000001
14786Umbria11-7-2015Tucson Comic-Con - Day 10000001
14787Umbria11-8-2015Tucson Comic-Con - Day 20000001
14792Umbria12-4-2015PHXCC Fan Fest - Day10000001
14793Umbria12-5-2015PHXCC Fan Fest - Day 20000001
14794Umbria12-6-2015PHXCC fan Fest - Day30000001
15408Umbria6-2-2016Phoenix ComiCon Day 10000001
15550Umbria6-3-2016Phoenix ComiCon Day 20000001
15551Umbria6-4-2016Phoenix ComiCon Day 30000001
15552Umbria6-5-2016Phoenix ComiCon Day 40000001
16186Umbria5-25-2017ComiCon Day 10000001
16187Umbria5-26-2017ComiCon Day 20000001
16188Umbria5-27-2017ComiCon Day 30000001
16189Umbria5-28-2017ComiCon Day 40000001
16275Umbria7-7-2017Medieval Mayhem Demo - Day 10000001
16276Umbria7-8-2017Medieval Mayhem - Day 20000001
16277Umbria7-9-2017Medieval Mahem - Day 30000001
16488Umbria11-11-2017Fan Fest 2017 - Day 10000001
16489Umbria11-12-2017Fan Fest 2017 - Day 20000001
16892Umbria5-25-2018PHX Comic Fest Day 10000001
16893Umbria5-26-2018PHX Comic Fest Day 20000001
16894Umbria5-27-2018PHX Comic Fest Day 30000001
17110Umbria8-18-2018Umbria August Collegium0000003
17321Umbria1-19-2019Super Hero Demo0000001
17563Umbria5-25-2019Phoenix Fan Fusion Demo Days 1 - 40000002
17890Umbria11-2-2019UMB Tucson ComiCon Day 10000001
17891Umbria11-3-2019UMB Tucson ComiCon Day 20000001
17915Umbria11-23-2019UMB Rally For Life Demo0000001
17932Umbria1-18-2020Superhero Saturday Demo0000001
18444Umbria1-15-2022Superhero Saturday Demo and January 2022 Kingdom Tournament0000001
18618Umbria1-14-2023Superhero Saturday Demo0000001
19092Adria9-2-2023Imperial Exception Granted: 2023 Southwest ICW & Tourney1100010
TOTAL   72000238


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