Robe Details for Sir Triston DeMay Live

Robe Details for Sir Triston DeMay


Date:  6-30-2024
Persona:  Sir Triston DeMay
ID:  8043
Expires:  4-1-2025
Chapter:  Leicester
Event IDChapterDateLocationJourEPJourTWKniEPKniTWMWorkWarDemo
10615Stirling7-10-2011Arts Coll.@March of Tartarus@Tree Tops Park0000001
11932Stirling9-23-2012Canton of Castilles, TY Park0000001
12021Stirling10-14-2012Canton of Kincora, Tree Tops Park0000001
12177Stirling11-25-2012Canton of Castilles, TY Park0000002
14596Stirling7-26-2015TY Park0000001
18725Leicester10-15-2022Quantum House Children's Hospital Demo with October Monthly Touurnament, Quantum0000001
19478Leicester5-9-2024Collegium Evening - Arts Judging/Project, Marshaling/Combat, Steps to Knighthood0000001
TOTAL   0000008


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