Knight Archer on 10-8-2016 at the hand of HRG Sir Desmond & Dame Etoile under the authority of TRGs Sir Desmond & LK Margaret.
Knight Robe on 2-5-2023 at the hand of HIM Callon & Princess Babette under the authority of HIM Callon & Princess Babette.
Knight Minister on 1-3-2015 at the hand of TRGs Sir Desmond & LK Margaret.
Knight Civil on 10-8-2016 at the hand of HRG Sir Desmond & Dame Etoile under the authority of TRGs Sir Desmond & LK Margaret.
Knight Premier on 1-16-2021 at the hand of HRM Lady Rose Marie Tetreau under the authority of HRM Dame Muirenn.
Auroch's Fjord Valkyrja Premier awarded on 6-1-2013 by The Valkyrja Council.
Auroch's Fjord Lady of the Court awarded on 12-14-2013 by Dame Irene and Sir Prize.
Auroch's Fjord Rizing Star of the Fjord awarded on 12-14-2013 by Dame Irene and Sir Prize.
Auroch's Fjord Order of the Crown Companions awarded on 1-3-2015 by HRG LK Margaret & Sir Desmond.
Auroch's Fjord Baroness of the Court awarded on 1-3-2015 by HRG LK Margaret & Sir Desmond.
Auroch's Fjord the Voice of the Fjord awarded on 1-3-2015 by HRG LK Margaret & Sir Desmond.
Auroch's Fjord Order of the Silver Spoon awarded on 8-8-2015 by HRG Desmond Wallace.
Glynmore Order of the Spurtle awarded on 8-8-2015 by TRM Gwyllum & Kathryn.
Glynmore Lady of the Court awarded on 12-18-2016 by HRM Gwyllum ap DuDrane.
Glynmore Order of the Spurtle awarded on 12-18-2016 by HRM Gwyllum ap DuDrane.
Glynmore Order of the Cara Mor awarded on 12-18-2016 by HRM Gwyllum ap DuDrane.
Auroch's Fjord Noble Order of the Shipwright awarded on 4-25-2017 by HRG Dame Etoile.
Auroch's Fjord Order of the Oxen awarded on 1-6-2018 by TM Dame Etoile and Dame Jaylan.
Glynmore Order of the Quill awarded on 6-20-2018 by HRM Rose Marie Tetreau.
Glynmore Order of the Crown Companions awarded on 6-20-2018 by HRM Rose Marie Tetreau.
Glynmore Order of the Chalice awarded on 6-20-2018 by HRM Rose Marie Tetreau.
Glynmore Mistress of the Robes awarded on 6-20-2018 by HRM Rose Marie Tetreau.
Albion-Rayonne The Order of the Rose awarded on 1-21-2021 by Dame Rose Tetreau/Dame Muirenn.
Albion-Rayonne Viscountess awarded on 2-23-2023 by By the authority of the estates for a su.