Ministry Details for Crimsome Nic Essus Live

Ministry Details for Crimsome Nic Essus


Date:  9-26-2024
Persona:   Crimsome Nic Essus
ID:  8328
Expires:  4-1-2025
Chapter:  Terre Neuve
Event IDChapterDateLocationEPWarDemoDI
11889Terre Neuve6-16-2012Terre Neuve Tourney1000
11901Terre Neuve7-21-2012TN July Tournament1000
12141Terre Neuve8-18-2012TN Tourney - Allied Gardens Park1000
13040Terre Neuve9-21-2013Mission Bay-Annual Fire Feast of Terre Nueve1001
13043Terre Neuve10-5-2013San Diego Comic Fest Day Two0010
13045Terre Neuve10-19-2013Kingdom of Terre Nueve Zombie War1001
14121Terre Neuve11-15-2014Monthly Crown Event1000
14145Terre Neuve1-10-201512th Night Feast0010
14517Terre Neuve7-4-20152015 Coronado Park(After Parade)Demo0010
15159Terre Neuve7-11-20152015 Comic Con Demo Day 30010
15163Terre Neuve7-12-20152015 Comic Con Demo Day 40010
14912Terre Neuve11-15-20152015 Masked Ball@Spring Valley Comunity Center0010
TOTAL   6062

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