Robe Details for Sir Talose Northhammer Live

Robe Details for Sir Talose Northhammer


Date:  6-30-2024
Persona:  Sir Talose Northhammer
ID:  9422
Expires:  4-1-2025
Chapter:  Member at Large
Event IDChapterDateLocationJourEPJourTWKniEPKniTWMWorkWarDemo
14681Alhambra10-3-2015Spokane Renn Fair, Greenbluff Wa0000002
15048Alhambra2-13-2016Carnation Conflict at Elk Wa also monthly ep and qtly dis0000001
15473Alhambra9-6-2016spokane highland games0000001
15641Alhambra10-1-2016Spokane Ren Fair, Greenbluff Wa0000001
15877Alhambra2-11-2017Elk Grange, Wa1100010
16195Adria5-27-2017Imp. Banner War NW 20171000010
TOTAL   2100026


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