Ministry Details for Lilith Conan Live

Ministry Details for Lilith Conan


Date:  6-30-2024
Persona:   Lilith Conan
ID:  9801
Expires:  4-1-2025
Chapter:  Antioch
Event IDChapterDateLocationEPWarDemoDI
15486Antioch8-20-2016Wickham Park1000
15654Antioch10-15-2016Wickham Park Campgrounds1100
15885Antioch1-21-2017Wickham Park - Brevard Ren Faire0010
15890Antioch1-21-2017Wickham Park - Brevard Ren Faire (January Tourney)0010
15887Antioch1-28-2017Wickham Park - Brevard Ren Faire0010
15889Antioch2-3-2017Wickham Park - Brevard Ren Faire0010
15891Antioch2-5-2017Wickham Park - Brevard Ren Faire (February Tourney)0010
16073Antioch5-20-2017Wickham Park (May Tourney)1000
16254Antioch6-17-2017St. Timothy Lutheran Church1001
16708Antioch1-21-2018Brevard Renn Faire0010
16709Antioch1-28-2018Brevard Renn Faire0010
17044Antioch6-16-2018Wickham Park1000
17048Antioch6-16-2018St. Timothy'sX001
17203Antioch10-20-2018Wichkham Park1100
17205Antioch10-20-2018Wolf-Bear Keep 0004
TOTAL   6276

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