10719 Frij Odinson
- Event: 16848 (Review Completed)
- Rolls record deleted by Katelyn on 2020-02-03 18:40:10
- Adria
monthly crown points
- Event Date: 2018-02-28
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17471 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Gaelic Games
- Event Date: 2019-03-09
- Rolls Note: Herald
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Sergeant's List:
Knight's List:
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1
Journeyman's List: 1
Win: 1
(Journeyman's) ~Win
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17485 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead, Az
- Event Date: 2019-04-06
- Rolls Note: Herald
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Bowman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 17543 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Kingman, Az
- Event Date: 2019-05-04
- Rolls Note: Herald
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17571 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead, Az
- Event Date: 2019-02-23
- Rolls Note: Crown herald
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Sergeant's List:
1 Win: 1
(Shinai) ~Win
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17590 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead, Az
- Event Date: 2019-02-23
- Rolls Note: Runner
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17668 (Review Completed)
- Adria
SWCW @ Canyon RV Park
- Event Date: 2019-08-31
- Rolls Note: Thumb Draw class
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 1 War: 1
Bowman's List: 1
- Event: 17706 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Fjelborg Kingman, Az Canton Event
- Event Date: 2019-06-29
- Rolls Note: Herald
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17744 (Review Completed)
- Adria
IST @ Age of Chivalry
- Event Date: 2019-10-11
- Rolls Note: Crier (3shifts), WaK, Ladies of the Court(3days), CoA (3days)
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 7
- Event: 17748 (Review Completed)
- Cathair Na Caillte
- Event Date: 2019-10-19
- Points Earned:
- Event: 17749 (Review Completed)
- Cathair Na Caillte
Day of the Waking Dead
- Event Date: 2019-10-19
- Rolls Note: Herald; Rpr & Wstr Combat
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17750 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead, AZ Crown War 2019
- Event Date: 2019-09-21
- Rolls Note: AF Herald, marshal
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 17751 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead Az July 2019 Summer Survival
- Event Date: 2019-07-06
- Rolls Note: crown & event herald
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17756 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead, Az Aug Summer Surv.
- Event Date: 2019-08-10
- Rolls Note: crown & event minister
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17757 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead, Az Sept Summer Surv.
- Event Date: 2019-09-21
- Rolls Note: herald
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17802 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead City, AZ October Event
- Event Date: 2019-10-19
- Rolls Note: not signed in
- Points Earned:
- Event: 17803 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead City, AZ November event
- Event Date: 2019-11-16
- Rolls Note: not signed in
- Points Earned:
- Event: 17855 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Quarterly Minister DI 2019
- Event Date: 2019-10-15
- Rolls Note: Herald
- Points Earned:
- Event: 17856 (Review Completed)
- Terre Neuve
Imperial Coronation
- Event Date: 2019-11-02
- Rolls Note: herald
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17869 (Review Completed)
- Albion-Rayonne
Crown war/Tournament @ Sunset Park, LV
- Event Date: 2019-12-15
- Rolls Note: Marshal
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17894 (Review Completed)
- Cathair Na Caillte
Day of Thanks @ Hart Farm
- Event Date: 2019-11-28
- Rolls Note: Herald, Marshal, Bman TW
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17946 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead, Az
- Event Date: 2020-02-09
- Points Earned:
- Event: 18119 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
- Event Date: 2020-08-29
- Rolls Note: Just a participant
- Points Earned:
- Event: 18127 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
- Event Date: 2021-01-03
- Rolls Note: Herald
- Points Earned:
- Event: 18134 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
July 2020 Makeup
- Event Date: 2020-07-04
- Rolls Note: Archery: 19
Ministry: Herald
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18135 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
- Event Date: 2021-04-11
- Rolls Note: House Proxy
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18137 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
AF Ministry EP January
- Event Date: 2020-01-15
- Rolls Note: Herald minister Jan ep
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18138 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Feb Minister EP
- Event Date: 2020-02-01
- Rolls Note: Herald minister ep
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18139 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
March Minister EP
- Event Date: 2020-03-01
- Rolls Note: Herald minister ep
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18140 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
AF April Minister EP
- Event Date: 2020-04-01
- Rolls Note: Herald ministers April ep
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18141 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
AF Mininster EP May 2020
- Event Date: 2020-05-01
- Rolls Note: Herald ministery ep May
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18142 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
AF Minister EP 2020
- Event Date: 2020-06-01
- Rolls Note: Herald ministry ep June
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18158 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
- Event Date: 2021-06-06
- Points Earned:
- Event: 18300 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Kingman, AZ
- Event Date: 2021-09-11
- Rolls Note: Herald, Collegium Marshalling; Rpr & Wstr Combat
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18301 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Kingman, AZ
- Event Date: 2021-08-14
- Rolls Note: Herald; Rpr&Wstr Combat
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18353 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead, AZ
- Event Date: 2021-10-03
- Rolls Note: Herald
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18390 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead City, AZ
- Event Date: 2021-12-04
- Rolls Note: Archery: 15, Ministry: Marshal, Herald
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Knight's List:
1 Armored EP: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 18391 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead City, AZ
- Event Date: 2020-04-04
- Rolls Note: Herald; Marshal
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18393 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead City, AZ
- Event Date: 2021-11-06
- Rolls Note: Herald; Waister Win
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Knight's List:
1 Win: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18394 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Cecil Davis Park, AZ
- Event Date: 2020-06-01
- Rolls Note: Herald; Rapier (not on waster list)
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18395 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Cecil Davis Park, AZ
- Event Date: 2020-05-02
- Rolls Note: Rapier participation and Waister win
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 18396 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Kingman, AZ
- Event Date: 2021-11-14
- Rolls Note: Marshal
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18397 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
- Event Date: 2021-12-04
- Rolls Note: DMT; Scribe
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18466 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Kingman, Az
- Event Date: 2022-01-16
- Rolls Note: herald, waister and rapier EP, kgts rapier win
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
1 Win: 1
(Rapier) ~Win
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18517 (Review Completed)
- Albion-Rayonne
- Event Date: 2023-02-05
- Points Earned:
- Event: 18677 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
- Event Date: 2023-02-19
- Rolls Note: Archery: 7
Ministry: Hearld
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18727 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Fools War and Tourney
Cecil Davis Park
601 Van Buren St
Kingman, AZ
- Event Date: 2023-04-22
- Rolls Note: Archery: 66
Ministry: Herald, Archery List Keeper, Scribe, Marshall
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 18775 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
AF Crown Tourney
Bullhead City, AZ
- Event Date: 2023-01-28
- Rolls Note: Herald
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Win: 1
(Standard) ~Win
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18781 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Coronation Feast
Bullhead City, AZ
- Event Date: 2023-01-28
- Rolls Note: Herald
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18802 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
May Day Tourney
Bullhead City
Rotary Park
- Event Date: 2023-05-13
- Rolls Note: Ministry: Herald
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18804 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Boom Box Parade
- Event Date: 2022-12-02
- Points Earned:
- Event: 18805 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead City
- Event Date: 2022-12-03
- Rolls Note: Ministry: Herald
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 18839 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Knight of the Dead
Kingman, AZ
- Event Date: 2022-11-05
- Rolls Note: Archery: 15
Ministry: Herald, Marshal
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Win: 1
(Standard) ~Win
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18840 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
October Tourney
Kingman, AZ
- Event Date: 2022-10-01
- Rolls Note: Archery: 27
Ministry: Herald
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18851 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
June Tourney
Kingman, AZ
- Event Date: 2022-06-11
- Rolls Note: Archery: 50
Ministry: Marshal
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18852 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
July Tourney
Bullhead City, AZ
- Event Date: 2021-07-03
- Rolls Note: Archery: 21, Ministry: Herald
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18871 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Arabian Nights
Kingman, Az
- Event Date: 2023-06-10
- Rolls Note: Archery: 47
Ministry: Herald, Marshall
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18873 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
May Day Make Up Archery
- Event Date: 2023-05-13
- Rolls Note: Archery: 61
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 18887 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
- Event Date: 2023-06-28
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18890 (Review Completed)
- Albion-Rayonne
Fandom Fight Night Demo
- Event Date: 2023-04-22
- Rolls Note: herald
- Points Earned:
- Event: 18905 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
- Event Date: 2022-03-06
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18906 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
- Event Date: 2022-03-27
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18907 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
- Event Date: 2022-02-26
- Rolls Note: Ministry: Herald
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18932 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
February Tourney
Bullhead City, AZ
- Event Date: 2022-02-26
- Rolls Note: Archery: 3, Ministry: Herald, Marshall
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19050 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead City, AZ
August 2020 Makeup
- Event Date: 2020-08-01
- Rolls Note: Archery: 26, Ministry: Marshall, Herald
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
1 Win: 1
(Synthetic) ~Win
(Rapier) ~Win
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19059 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
October Make Up
- Event Date: 2020-10-03
- Rolls Note: Archery: 52, Ministry: Herald
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19060 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
November Make-Up
- Event Date: 2020-11-07
- Rolls Note: Archery: 39, Ministry: Herald, Marshall
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19061 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
December Make-Up
- Event Date: 2020-12-05
- Rolls Note: Archery: 42
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
- Event: 19063 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
September 2020 Makeup
- Event Date: 2020-09-05
- Rolls Note: Archery: -4,
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
1 Win: 1
(Synthetic) ~Win
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1
Journeyman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19068 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Sword & Board,
Chilvery & you
- Event Date: 2023-08-13
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19069 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Combat Archery:
Courtly Manner
- Event Date: 2023-08-13
- Rolls Note: Ministry: Courtly Manner Instructor
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 1
Event Initiation (DI): 1
- Event: 19070 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Marshalling: Fashion History
- Event Date: 2023-08-13
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19071 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Making Garb Work: Rapier Techniques
- Event Date: 2023-08-13
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19072 (Review Completed)
- Adria
STK Forms
- Event Date: 2023-08-13
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19092 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Exception Granted: 2023 Southwest ICW & Tourney
- Event Date: 2023-09-02
- Rolls Note: Marshall
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 19165 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Zoom KEM
- Event Date: 2023-10-22
- Rolls Note: Chancellor
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19201 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead City AZ
- Event Date: 2023-12-02
- Rolls Note: archery:25
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 19223 (Review Completed)
- Adria
- Event Date: 2023-10-06
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19224 (Review Completed)
- Adria
- Event Date: 2023-10-07
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19225 (Review Completed)
- Adria
- Event Date: 2023-10-08
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19232 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Zoom KEM
- Event Date: 2023-12-17
- Rolls Note: House Deadman Thunder
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19233 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Summer Survivors
- Event Date: 2023-07-01
- Rolls Note: archery: 29
ministry: Herald
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
Event Initiation (DI): 1
- Event: 19234 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Summer Survivors - August
- Event Date: 2023-08-05
- Rolls Note: Archery: 18, Arts: NJ Mail, Ministry: Autocrat and Herald
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
Event Initiation (DI): 1
- Event: 19235 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Summer Survivors - September
Kingman, AZ
- Event Date: 2023-09-23
- Rolls Note: Archery: 33
Arts: Non-Judged
Ministry: Herald/Autocrat
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
Event Initiation (DI): 1
- Event: 19252 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Minister Quarterly DI
- Event Date: 2023-03-01
- Rolls Note: Q1 Herald/Deputy Chancellor Participation
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19253 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Minister Quarterly DI
- Event Date: 2023-06-01
- Rolls Note: Q2 Herald/Deputy Chancellor Participation
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19254 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Minister Quarterly DI
- Event Date: 2023-09-01
- Rolls Note: Q3 Herald/Deputy Chancellor Participation
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19255 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Minister Quarterly DI
- Event Date: 2023-12-01
- Rolls Note: Q4 Herald/Deputy Chancellor Participation
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19263 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
- Event Date: 2024-01-27
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 1
- Event: 19264 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Champion Tourney
- Event Date: 2024-01-28
- Rolls Note: Ministry: Herald
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19275 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Boom Box Parade
- Event Date: 2023-12-01
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19280 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
October Tourney
- Event Date: 2023-10-07
- Rolls Note: archery: 7
ministry: Herald & Marshal
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
1 Win: 1
(Synthetic) ~Win
(Rapier) ~Win
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19281 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Knight of The Dead
- Event Date: 2023-11-18
- Rolls Note: Archery: 50 Ministry:Herald
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19387 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Champion Archery
- Event Date: 2024-01-28
- Rolls Note: Archery:30
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 19417 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Exception SWBW
- Event Date: 2024-05-25
- Rolls Note: Archery Tourney: 2, Ministry: Marshall
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Sergeant's List:
Knight's List:
1 Armored EP: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 19418 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Fools War - Archery
Bullhead City, AZ
- Event Date: 2024-04-06
- Rolls Note: Archery: 39
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 19419 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
May The 4th
Kingman, AZ
- Event Date: 2024-05-04
- Rolls Note: Archery: 36
Ministry: Herald, Safety Marshall
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19420 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Arabian Knights
- Event Date: 2024-06-09
- Rolls Note: Archery: 7
Ministry: Herald
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19421 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Gaelic Games
Bullhead City, AZ
- Event Date: 2024-03-09
- Rolls Note: Archery: 20
Ministry: Marshall, Herald
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19460 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
KEM - Zoom
- Event Date: 2024-03-10
- Rolls Note: Estate Holder
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19462 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Mojave Pride Day 1
- Event Date: 2024-05-18
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19463 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Mojave Pride Day 2
- Event Date: 2024-05-19
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19510 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Fools War
- Event Date: 2024-04-13
- Rolls Note: Ministry: Herald
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 19511 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
February Tourney
- Event Date: 2024-02-11
- Rolls Note: Archery: 11
Ministry: Marshall
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19532 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
KEM viz Zoom
- Event Date: 2024-07-14
- Rolls Note: Herald, House Sire
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19563 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Ministry DI´s Q1
- Event Date: 2024-03-31
- Rolls Note: Ministry: Herald
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19564 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Ministry DI Q2
- Event Date: 2024-06-30
- Rolls Note: Ministry: Herald
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19608 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Quarterly DI
- Event Date: 2024-09-01
- Rolls Note: Ministry: Herald
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19650 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Q4 Minister DI
- Event Date: 2024-12-31
- Rolls Note: Ministry: Herald
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19678 (Review Completed)
- Adria
STK / Marshaling / Arts Docs Collegia
- Event Date: 2024-08-11
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19722 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
July Summer Survivors
- Event Date: 2024-07-06
- Rolls Note: Archery: 27
Ministry: Herald, Marshall
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19723 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
August Summer Survivor
- Event Date: 2024-08-03
- Rolls Note: Archery: 38
Ministry: Herald, Marshal
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Win: 1
(Standard) ~Win
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19724 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
September Summer Survivor
- Event Date: 2024-09-15
- Rolls Note: Archery: 48
Ministry: Herald, Marshal
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19738 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
EKEM Via Zoom
- Event Date: 2024-11-03
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19786 (Under Local Review)
- Auroch's Fjord
KvK 2024 Bullhead Az
- Event Date: 2024-12-07
- Rolls Note: Marshal, herald
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1