2029 Jocelyn Anne Marie de la Fouche Alyson
- Event: 1015 (Review Completed)
- Esperance
- Event Date: 1993-06-19
- Points Earned:
- Event: 1020 (Review Completed)
- Esperance
- Event Date: 1993-07-19
- Points Earned:
- Event: 1387 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
** Tournment & Coronation Feast @ Las Vegas, NV
- Event Date: 1998-11-21
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Sergeant's List:
- Event: 1390 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
*** Research and Documentation Collegium @ Home of Baroness Serina
- Event Date: 1998-11-22
- Points Earned:
- Event: 1469 (Review Completed)
- Adria
IWW: Featherly Park, Yorba Linda, CA
- Event Date: 1999-09-04
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2045 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
*** Crown Champions Tournment @ SBSB
- Event Date: 1999-01-16
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Sergeant's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 2047 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Hearts and Armour Tourney
- Event Date: 1999-02-13
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2049 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
** Archery Poker Tourney SBSB
- Event Date: 1999-04-10
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2051 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Sun Harbor Budget Suites
- Event Date: 1999-05-01
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2053 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Coronationation Tournament@Sam Boyd's Silver Bowl
- Event Date: 1999-05-02
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2057 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Banner War West @ Flagstaff, Arizona
- Event Date: 1999-05-29
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2060 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Tournament@Sam Boyd's Silver Bowl
- Event Date: 1999-06-12
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2065 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Sam Boyd's Silver Bowl
- Event Date: 1999-06-26
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2067 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Tournament@Sam Boyd's Silver Bowl
- Event Date: 1999-07-24
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2070 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Sam Boyd's Silver Bowl
- Event Date: 1999-08-28
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2074 (Review Completed)
- Adria
dup of 1469 Featherly Park, Anaheim, CA
- Event Date: 1999-09-04
- Rolls Note: Feast
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2079 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
** Crown Event @ Sam Boyd's Silver Bowl
- Event Date: 1999-09-25
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2083 (Review Completed)
- Adria
NAT'L Steel@Clark County Renn Faire
- Event Date: 1999-10-09
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2085 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
UMC Celebration of Children
- Event Date: 1999-10-16
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2086 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Day of the Dead@Sam Boyds Silver Bowl
- Event Date: 1999-10-30
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2087 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
October Event
- Event Date: 1999-10-30
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2090 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Keep of the Black Rose
- Event Date: 1999-11-13
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2091 (Review Completed)
- Rolls record deleted by Katelyn on 2024-09-13 20:11:55
- Vingulf
dup 11159 Ministry Participation
- Event Date: 1999-11-20
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 2092 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Tournament@Sam Boyd's Silver Bowl
- Event Date: 1999-11-20
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Sergeant's List:
- Event: 2095 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Yule Tourney S.B.S.B.
- Event Date: 1999-12-18
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2096 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Yule Feast
- Event Date: 1999-12-18
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2100 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Cashman Field Angel Tree
- Event Date: 1999-12-21
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2101 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Cashman Field Angel Tree
- Event Date: 1999-12-22
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2102 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Cashman Field Angel Tree
- Event Date: 1999-12-23
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2104 (Review Completed)
- Albion
Sam Boyd Silver Bowl
- Event Date: 2000-01-15
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2105 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
** Monthly Ministry Participation
- Event Date: 2000-01-15
- Rolls Note: Sire
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 2106 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Ministry Points for February
- Event Date: 2000-02-15
- Rolls Note: Sire
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 2108 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Hearts and Armour Tourney@Sam Boyds Silver Bowl
- Event Date: 2000-02-19
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2110 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
*** Monthly Ministry / Participation - Flamingo Library
- Event Date: 2000-03-09
- Rolls Note: Sire
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 2111 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
*** Crown War @ Sunset Park
- Event Date: 2000-03-18
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2112 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Crown Tournament @ Sunset Park
- Event Date: 2000-03-19
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2115 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
*** Rainbow Library
- Event Date: 2000-03-25
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2116 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Sam Boyds Fools War Tourn.
- Event Date: 2000-04-01
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Sergeant's List:
- Event: 2118 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Fools War West Tourny.
- Event Date: 2000-04-02
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Sergeant's List:
- Event: 2119 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Demo@Winchester Community Center
- Event Date: 2000-04-08
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2120 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
MS Walk a thon
- Event Date: 2000-04-08
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2121 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Sunset Park EarthFest
- Event Date: 2000-04-15
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2127 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
May Event
- Event Date: 2000-05-20
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2128 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Sam Boyd Silver Bowl Crown'sChampionship
- Event Date: 2000-05-20
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2194 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Crown War - Sir Cirus vs. Sir Gwyllum @ Sunset Park
- Event Date: 2001-03-17
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2199 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Fool's War @ Sam Boyd Silver Bowl
- Event Date: 2001-04-01
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2289 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
** Crown War @ Sunset Park
- Event Date: 2002-03-09
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2290 (Review Completed)
- Vingulf
** Irish Viking Tournment @ Sunset Park
- Event Date: 2002-03-10
- Rolls Note: Serg. Renn Partic. only
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Sergeant's List:
- Event: 2296 (Review Completed)
- Vingulf
** Rebel Paluzza Field
- Event Date: 2002-04-05
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2298 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Anniversary West@ Sam Boyd Silverbowl Park
- Event Date: 2002-04-06
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Sergeant's List:
- Event: 2299 (Review Completed)
- Albion
** Fools War @ Sam Boyd Silver Bowl
- Event Date: 2002-04-07
- Rolls Note: Shanai Participation only
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Sergeant's List:
- Event: 2308 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Chocolate War at Lorenzie Park
- Event Date: 2002-05-11
- Rolls Note: Art Judge
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 2321 (Review Completed)
- Vingulf
Mirabelli Park June Event
- Event Date: 2002-06-08
- Points Earned:
- Event: 2327 (Review Completed)
- Vingulf
Whitney Elem
- Event Date: 2002-06-21
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 1
Event Initiation (DI): 1
- Event: 2340 (Review Completed)
- Vingulf
*** Day of the Knight @ SBSB
- Event Date: 2002-07-27
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Sergeant's List:
1 Win: 1
(Shinai) ~Win
- Event: 3467 (Review Completed)
- Albion
Fool's War @ Sam Boyd Silver Bowl
- Event Date: 2006-04-01
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Sergeant's List:
- Event: 3669 (Review Completed)
- Vingulf
Desert Rose Crown Event @ Old silver Bowl Park
- Event Date: 2006-03-25
- Rolls Note: Helrald
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 3677 (Review Completed)
- Vingulf
Duchy Coronation/monthly event- Old Sivler bowl park
- Event Date: 2005-09-17
- Rolls Note: Herald /scribe
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 3685 (Review Completed)
- Vingulf
Desert Rose Crown Event - Old Silver Bowl Park
- Event Date: 2005-11-19
- Rolls Note: Herald / Sire
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 3710 (Review Completed)
- Vingulf
Father's Day / Birthday @ Silver Bowl Stadium Las Vegas, NV
- Event Date: 2006-06-18
- Rolls Note: Herald
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 3742 (Review Completed)
- Vingulf
Sunset Park
- Event Date: 2005-10-08
- Points Earned:
- Event: 3854 (Review Completed)
- Vingulf
July Ducal Event - Las Vegas, NV
- Event Date: 2006-07-29
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 3879 (Review Completed)
- Vingulf
Minister and Estate Holders Participation Report
- Event Date: 2006-07-31
- Rolls Note: Sire of Blue Rose
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 3911 (Review Completed)
- Albion
P.I.R.A.T.E. @ Sam Boyd Silver Bowl Park
- Event Date: 2005-07-09
- Points Earned:
- Event: 3916 (Review Completed)
- Albion
Fool's War/tournament @ Sam Boyd Silverbowl Park
- Event Date: 2005-04-16
- Points Earned:
- Event: 4943 (Review Completed)
- Vingulf
August Ducal Crown Event - Las Vegas, NV
- Event Date: 2006-08-20
- Rolls Note: List Mistress
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 4973 (Review Completed)
- Vingulf
September Estates Meeting
- Event Date: 2006-09-23
- Points Earned:
- Event: 5128 (Review Completed)
- Albion
Albion Feast Event
- Event Date: 2006-12-09
- Points Earned:
- Event: 5130 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Aragon Crown Event @ Silverbowl
- Event Date: 1998-09-24
- Points Earned:
- Event: 5133 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
St. Augustine War with ECS
- Event Date: 1998-08-15
- Rolls Note: Court Guard
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 5134 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
** Aragon Demo at Sunrise Library
- Event Date: 1998-08-18
- Points Earned:
- Event: 5135 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
** Aragon Demo at Hyde Park
- Event Date: 1998-08-21
- Points Earned:
- Event: 5136 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
** Aragon - Crown Etiquette Demo
- Event Date: 1998-08-27
- Points Earned:
- Event: 5149 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Aragon Fool's War at Sam Boyd
- Event Date: 1999-04-10
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Sergeant's List:
- Event: 5159 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Aragon Crown War / Tourney @ Pahrump
- Event Date: 1999-03-13
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Sergeant's List:
- Event: 5172 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
** Aragon Drug Free Week Demo
- Event Date: 1998-10-24
- Points Earned:
- Event: 5262 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
** Aragon June Birthday Crown Event
- Event Date: 1998-06-06
- Points Earned:
- Event: 5263 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Aragon Day of the Knights @ Flamingo Library
- Event Date: 1998-07-25
- Points Earned:
- Event: 5265 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
** Aragon Collegium - Sumptuary Right
- Event Date: 1998-07-06
- Points Earned:
- Event: 5266 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
** Aragon Collegium @ 251 Plaza Marsala Ct.
- Event Date: 1998-07-23
- Points Earned:
- Event: 5312 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Ducal Crown Event
- Event Date: 2007-01-27
- Points Earned:
- Event: 5336 (Review Completed)
- Vingulf
Minister and Estate Holder Participation Report
- Event Date: 2006-08-31
- Rolls Note: Sire - Blue Rose / List Mistress
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 5337 (Review Completed)
- Vingulf
Ministry & Estates Holder Participation
- Event Date: 2006-09-30
- Rolls Note: Estate EP denied as Sire - BlueRose / List Mistress
- Points Earned:
- Event: 5776 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Aragon Celebration of Children
- Event Date: 1998-10-16
- Points Earned:
- Event: 5777 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Age of Chivalry Faire @ Sunset Park
- Event Date: 1998-10-09
- Points Earned:
- Event: 5926 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial War West @ Dos Picos Park - California
- Event Date: 1998-09-06
- Rolls Note: Feast Service
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 6590 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
** Ettiquette Demo
- Event Date: 1998-11-21
- Points Earned:
- Event: 6842 (Review Completed)
- Vingulf
Ducal Event @ Sam Boyd
- Event Date: 2007-03-24
- Points Earned:
- Event: 6899 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Demo at Sunset Park
- Event Date: 1999-01-01
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 1
Sergeant's List:
- Event: 7537 (Review Completed)
- Adria
International Steel Tournment
- Event Date: 2008-10-11
- Points Earned:
- Event: 7615 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Coronation @ Las Vegas
- Event Date: 2008-11-01
- Points Earned:
- Event: 7678 (Review Completed)
- Albion
Old Silver Bowl Park
- Event Date: 2008-12-07
- Points Earned:
- Event: 7811 (Review Completed)
- Albion
Albion, Las Vegas
- Event Date: 2008-12-14
- Points Earned:
- Event: 7882 (Review Completed)
- Albion
canton of Aurochsfyord
- Event Date: 2008-12-28
- Points Earned:
- Event: 7883 (Review Completed)
- Albion
Canton of Aurochsfyord
- Event Date: 2009-01-25
- Points Earned:
- Event: 7902 (Review Completed)
- Albion
Estates Meeting @ Sunrise Library
- Event Date: 2009-02-15
- Rolls Note: House Sire
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 7987 (Review Completed)
- Albion
Silver Bowl Park
- Event Date: 2009-03-15
- Points Earned:
- Event: 8154 (Review Completed)
- Albion
Old Silver Bowl Park
- Event Date: 2009-02-21
- Points Earned:
- Event: 9034 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Sunset Park
- Event Date: 1998-04-03
- Points Earned:
- Event: 9049 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Henderson Dare Demo
- Event Date: 1998-05-02
- Points Earned:
- Event: 9050 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Chocolate War in Parhump
- Event Date: 1998-05-23
- Points Earned:
- Event: 9055 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Silver Bowl Park
- Event Date: 1998-12-05
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Sergeant's List:
- Event: 9057 (Review Completed)
- Vingulf
- Event Date: 1998-12-12
- Points Earned:
- Event: 9060 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
unknown Demo
- Event Date: 1999-01-19
- Points Earned:
- Event: 9069 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Flamingo Library Demo
- Event Date: 1999-03-25
- Points Earned:
- Event: 9117 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Sunset Park
- Event Date: 2000-01-30
- Points Earned:
- Event: 11159 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Ministry Points, Las Vegas
- Event Date: 1999-11-15
- Rolls Note: Lady of Adria
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 11177 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Mnisters Points
- Event Date: 2000-02-15
- Rolls Note: Lady of Adria
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 11178 (Review Completed)
- Aragon
Minister Points
- Event Date: 2000-03-15
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19120 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Exception - 2022 IST, Part One
- Event Date: 2022-10-07
- Points Earned: