8383 Edward Blackthorne
- Event: 11923 (Review Completed)
- Somerset
Crown Event
- Event Date: 2012-07-22
- Points Earned:
- Event: 12247 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Chamberlain Park, Deer Park, Ohio
- Event Date: 2012-08-05
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Sergeant's List:
- Event: 12248 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
meeitng/ Grand Opening
- Event Date: 2012-09-16
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Sergeant's List:
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 12249 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Crown Event
- Event Date: 2012-10-07
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Sergeant's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 12250 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Crown Event
- Event Date: 2012-11-04
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Sergeant's List:
- Event: 12305 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Makeup Tourney for December 2012
- Event Date: 2012-12-08
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Sergeant's List:
1 Win: 1
(Shinai) ~Win
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 12306 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Crown event and minister and estates holder points
- Event Date: 2013-01-06
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Sergeant's List:
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1
Journeyman's List: 1
Win: 1
(Journeyman's) ~Win
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 12377 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Tourney & Class (Basic shinai)
- Event Date: 2013-02-10
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 1
Sergeant's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 12416 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Crown Tourney
- Event Date: 2013-03-25
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Sergeant's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 12511 (Review Completed)
- Rolls record deleted by Katelyn on 2017-05-24 00:35:08
- Somerset
Lady Day on the Feast of St. Padric at the Ducal Estates
- Event Date: 2013-03-17
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
1 Armored EP: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 12513 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
archery makeup
- Event Date: 2013-03-03
- Points Earned:
- Event: 12514 (Entry)
- Wolfendorf
March 2013 archery makeup
- Event Date: 2013-03-23
- Points Earned:
- Event: 12541 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Crown Event
- Event Date: 2013-04-07
- Rolls Note: step down to fill list
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 1
Bowman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 2
- Event: 12592 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Banner War ~ East - N.Carolina
- Event Date: 2013-05-25
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Bowman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Knight's List:
1 Armored EP: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 12692 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Latonia Kentucky VFW
- Event Date: 2013-05-05
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 12693 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Latonia Kentucky
- Event Date: 2013-06-02
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 12823 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Cincinnati, Ohio
- Event Date: 2013-07-07
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
1 Win: 1
(Rapier) ~Win
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 12875 (Review Completed)
- Adria
NE Imperial War
- Event Date: 2013-09-01
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Bowman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 12956 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Latonia, Kentucky
- Event Date: 2013-05-11
- Points Earned:
- Event: 12957 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Latonia Kentucky
- Event Date: 2013-06-08
- Points Earned:
- Event: 12958 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Deer Park, Ohio
- Event Date: 2013-08-18
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
Event Initiation (DI): 1
- Event: 13061 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Cincinnati, Ohio Lower Millcrest Park
- Event Date: 2013-09-15
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
Event Initiation (DI): 1
- Event: 13062 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Covington, KY Bowles residence
- Event Date: 2013-10-12
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 2
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 13063 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Covington, KY
- Event Date: 2013-08-03
- Points Earned:
- Event: 13064 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Covington, KY
- Event Date: 2013-07-06
- Points Earned:
- Event: 13065 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Cincinnati, Ohio
- Event Date: 2013-01-05
- Points Earned:
- Event: 13066 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Cincinnati, Ohio
- Event Date: 2012-10-06
- Points Earned:
- Event: 13067 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Cincinnati, Ohio
- Event Date: 2013-04-06
- Points Earned:
- Event: 13213 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Covington, KY
- Event Date: 2013-11-09
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 13390 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Deer Park, Ohio
- Event Date: 2013-12-14
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 4
Event Initiation (DI): 1
- Event: 13391 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Deer Park, Ohio
- Event Date: 2014-01-04
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Sergeant's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 13393 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Norwood, Ohio
- Event Date: 2014-02-08
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
1 Armored EP: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 13394 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
also qtly dis Norwood, Ohio
- Event Date: 2014-03-08
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
Event Initiation (DI): 1
- Event: 13557 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Norwood, ohio
- Event Date: 2014-04-12
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
1 Armored EP: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 13596 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Banner War NE - Golden Pond GS Camp
- Event Date: 2014-05-24
- Rolls Note: dishes
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Knight's List:
1 Armored EP: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 13803 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Archery Tournament @ New Richmond, OH
- Event Date: 2014-03-08
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 13804 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Archery Tournament @ New Richmond
- Event Date: 2014-04-12
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 13805 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Crown Tournament @ Jotunheim
- Event Date: 2014-05-10
- Rolls Note: Minister of Joust and War
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 13806 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Central Kentucky Celtic Festival & Highland Games
- Event Date: 2014-06-07
- Rolls Note: Demonstrated Combat, Set Up/Clean Up
- Points Earned:
- Event: 13807 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Tourney & Estates Meeting @ New Richmond, OH
- Event Date: 2014-06-14
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 13810 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Crown War @ New Richmond, OH
- Event Date: 2014-07-19
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 15485 (Review Completed)
- Rolls record deleted by Katelyn on 2016-09-27 22:18:47
- Wolfendorf
Crown Tourney @ Jotunheim
- Event Date: 2016-06-11
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 17062 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
bowles estate
- Event Date: 2018-07-28
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
- Event: 17099 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Bowles House. Covington KY
- Event Date: 2018-08-19
- Rolls Note: crown marshall
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17262 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Bowles estate
- Event Date: 2018-10-20
- Rolls Note: Crown Marshal
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17263 (Review Completed)
- Wolfendorf
Bowles estate
- Event Date: 2018-11-17
- Rolls Note: crown marshal
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1