9274 Elizabeth Blacksword
- Event: 13968 (Review Completed)
- Albion
Day of the Dead @ OSB
- Event Date: 2014-10-25
- Rolls Note: Guest can't have the win - paid membership. win awarded for archery katelyn 5/1/16
- Points Earned:
- Event: 14077 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Glynmore @ OSB Park
- Event Date: 2015-01-10
- Rolls Note: Archery=6
- Points Earned:
- Event: 14079 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Dec event make up at January Tourney
- Event Date: 2014-12-01
- Rolls Note: Archery=6, Scribe
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 14092 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Crown War & Tourney
- Event Date: 2014-11-23
- Rolls Note: Paid, Not in data base yet, Archery (No List)=29
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Bowman's List: 1
- Event: 14161 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Old Silver Bowl Park
- Event Date: 2015-02-21
- Rolls Note: Deputy of Arts, Scribe
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 14225 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
- Event Date: 2015-02-21
- Rolls Note: Archery=2
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 14238 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
OSB-Chess Event
- Event Date: 2015-03-07
- Rolls Note: Archery=7
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 14299 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Alice in Wndrland Fools War
- Event Date: 2015-04-23
- Rolls Note: Archery=23
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 14301 (Review Completed)
- Rolls record deleted by Katelyn on 2023-11-26 07:57:09
- Glynmore
duplicate of 14299 Alice War @ Pacific Archery
- Event Date: 2015-04-23
- Rolls Note: Archery0
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 14302 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Minister DI Dec 2014-March 2015
- Event Date: 2015-03-31
- Rolls Note: Arts Minister Deputy- no arts enteries for March but has completed crown required report
- Points Earned:
- Event: 14427 (Review Completed)
- Esperance
NRAT - Pirate Fair
- Event Date: 2015-03-22
- Points Earned:
- Event: 14428 (Review Completed)
- Esperance
NRAT - The Pirate Fair
- Event Date: 2015-03-21
- Rolls Note: Setup/Teardown, Arts Judge; Kids Demo
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 1
- Event: 14559 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Las Vegas, NV
- Event Date: 2015-04-25
- Rolls Note: Deputy Rolls
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 14563 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Las Vegas, NV
- Event Date: 2015-05-23
- Rolls Note: Rolls
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 14618 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Las Vegas Archery Club
- Event Date: 2015-06-01
- Rolls Note: auto crat, arts minister, rolls mistress, set up and tear down, Archery=26
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
Event Initiation (DI): 1
- Event: 14662 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
- Event Date: 2015-04-26
- Rolls Note: House lady
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 14663 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Alice in Wonderland Fools War and Tourney
- Event Date: 2015-04-25
- Rolls Note: arts judge
- Points Earned:
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 14664 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Kill a Knight @ OSB
- Event Date: 2015-05-03
- Rolls Note: archery- 10+2=12
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 14691 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Las Vegas Archery Club
- Event Date: 2015-07-25
- Rolls Note: archery=20, auto crat, rolls, arts, steward, set up/tear down
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
Event Initiation (DI): 1
- Event: 14692 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
St. Augustine War @ OSB
- Event Date: 2015-08-22
- Rolls Note: Archery Tourney= String shoot, Archery War= 0
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 14693 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Order of the Boar @OSB
- Event Date: 2015-09-19
- Rolls Note: rolls minister at event, archery score non numerical-closest to kills shot, attended rapier technique class
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 14694 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
KEM @ Sean Patrick
- Event Date: 2015-09-20
- Rolls Note: Hospitaler, house lady
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 14705 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
KEM @ Sean Patricks
- Event Date: 2015-10-25
- Rolls Note: House sire
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 14742 (Review Completed)
- Albion-Rayonne
Old Silver Bowl Park-Las Vegas, NV
- Event Date: 2015-09-19
- Rolls Note: Archery=25
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 14743 (Review Completed)
- Albion-Rayonne
Old Silver Bowl Park - Las Vegas, NV
- Event Date: 2015-10-31
- Rolls Note: Archery=4 3/4
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 14759 (Review Completed)
- Rolls record deleted by Katelyn on 2023-11-26 08:10:33
- Glynmore
duplicate of 14764 NST Setup @ Sunset Park
- Event Date: 2015-10-08
- Rolls Note: Setup
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 14764 (Review Completed)
- Adria
NST Setup
- Event Date: 2015-10-08
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 14798 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Klaus vs Krampus War Bullhead, AZ
- Event Date: 2015-11-21
- Points Earned:
- Event: 14801 (Review Completed)
- Adria
- Event Date: 2015-10-09
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 14837 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
KEM @ Sean Patrick
- Event Date: 2015-11-15
- Rolls Note: house lady
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 14838 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
KEM @ Sean Patricks
- Event Date: 2015-08-23
- Rolls Note: House Lady
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 14839 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Crown War & Tourney @ OSB
- Event Date: 2015-11-14
- Rolls Note: Archery=57, Arts Judge
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 14840 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Coronation @ Henderson Convention Center
- Event Date: 2015-12-13
- Rolls Note: Set up, Rolls and List
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 14922 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
KEM @ Richfield Blvd
- Event Date: 2016-01-17
- Rolls Note: House Lady, Hospitaler
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 14923 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
December Tourney @ OSB
- Event Date: 2015-12-01
- Rolls Note: R&L, Arts Judge, Archery=0
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 14924 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Champion Tourney @ OSB
- Event Date: 2016-01-16
- Rolls Note: Archery=43, Arts Judge, Rolls and Lists
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Win: 1
(Standard) ~Win
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 14991 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Collegia Day
- Event Date: 2016-01-31
- Rolls Note: arrow making, monolian thymb draw, bowstring, calligraphy, intro to heraldry, Auto crat
- Points Earned:
- Event: 15034 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Stupid Cupid @ OSB LV-NV
- Event Date: 2016-02-21
- Rolls Note: Archery=0, Rolls Deputy, Arts Judge
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 15195 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Galiec Games
- Event Date: 2016-03-27
- Rolls Note: Arts Judge/ Non- Judged Arts Project/ rawlings
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Sergeant's List:
Knight's List:
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1
Journeyman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 15204 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
March Monthly Tourney at Old Silver Bowl Park, Las Vegas-NV
- Event Date: 2016-03-12
- Rolls Note: Archery=2, Arts Judge, Rolls Deputy
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 15206 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
March KEM at Casa Lounds in Las Vegas-NV
- Event Date: 2016-03-13
- Rolls Note: Hospitaler and House Lady
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 15218 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Tourney & Fool's War @ Old SilverBowl Park, LV-NV
- Event Date: 2016-04-23
- Rolls Note: Archery=21, Range Master
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 15221 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
KEM @ Sean Patrick's-LV, NV
- Event Date: 2016-04-24
- Rolls Note: Hospitaler and House Lady
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 15271 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
KEM at LV Archers Range on Mt. Potosi-LV, NV
- Event Date: 2016-05-14
- Rolls Note: Hospitaler and House Lady
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 15273 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Let the Games Begin on Mt. Potosi @ LV Archers Club-LV-NV
- Event Date: 2016-05-14
- Rolls Note: Autocrat; Archery=17; Rangemaster; Arts List Keeper; Hospitaler
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Win: 1
(Standard) ~Win
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
Event Initiation (DI): 1
- Event: 15288 (Review Completed)
- Adria
SW Banner War 2016
- Event Date: 2016-05-28
- Rolls Note: Judge
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Journeyman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 15397 (Review Completed)
- Rolls record deleted by Katelyn on 2016-08-01 22:21:45
- Glynmore
Make up Clark County Library - Las Vegas, NV
- Event Date: 2016-06-11
- Rolls Note: Archery Only-11
- Points Earned:
- Event: 15399 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
KEM at Richfield Ave - Las Vegas, NV
- Event Date: 2016-02-20
- Rolls Note: Hospitaler, House Lady
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 15410 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
make up archery
- Event Date: 2016-06-11
- Rolls Note: range mistress
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 15446 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Auroch's Fjord/ Glynmore Collegium Day
- Event Date: 2016-08-20
- Rolls Note: Autocrat
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 4
Event Initiation (DI): 1
- Event: 15462 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
July Archery Make-Up on Mt Potosi
- Event Date: 2016-07-09
- Rolls Note: Score=19, Range Master
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 15463 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
KEM on Mt Potosi LV-NV
- Event Date: 2016-08-13
- Rolls Note: Hospitaler, House Sire
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 15465 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
War of Wellzenshire & August Tourney on Mt Potosi LV-NV
- Event Date: 2016-08-13
- Rolls Note: Archery=27; RangeMaster; Hospitaler
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 15574 (Review Completed)
- Albion-Rayonne
Pirate Fest
- Event Date: 2016-04-08
- Points Earned:
- Event: 15635 (Review Completed)
- Albion-Rayonne
Day of the Dead @ Old Silver Bowl Park - Las Vegas, NV
- Event Date: 2016-10-30
- Rolls Note: Co-Autocrat/ Arts Minister/ Judge
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Event Initiation (DI): 1
- Event: 15636 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
KEM @ Old Silverbowl Park - Las Vegas, NV
- Event Date: 2016-10-30
- Rolls Note: House Lady - Hospitaler
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 15663 (Review Completed)
- Adria
NST Las Vegas Ren Faire 2016
- Event Date: 2016-10-07
- Rolls Note: Lady in Waiting/ Asst Autocrat/Crossbows
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1
Journeyman's List: 1
Win: 1
(Journeyman's) ~Win
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 1
Event Initiation (DI): 1
- Event: 15675 (Entry)
- Albion-Rayonne
Pirate Fest
- Event Date: 2016-04-08
- Rolls Note: Archery booth
- Points Earned:
- Event: 15746 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Great Riverland War
- Event Date: 2016-11-19
- Rolls Note: Judge
- Points Earned:
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Knight's List: 1
Win: 1
(Knight's) ~Win
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 15813 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
January Tournament
- Event Date: 2017-01-28
- Rolls Note: judge
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 15847 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Klaus vs Krampus War 2016
- Event Date: 2016-12-18
- Points Earned:
- Event: 15866 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Glynmore Coronation & Feast @ HCC - Henderson, NV
- Event Date: 2016-12-18
- Rolls Note: Autocrat - DI Approved by HRM Sir Gerrit / Deputy Rolls
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
Event Initiation (DI): 1
- Event: 15873 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Hearts Aflame Massacre @ Whitney Ranch - LV, NV
- Event Date: 2017-02-12
- Rolls Note: Archery=0
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 15893 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
November Tourney & Crown War on Mt Potosi
- Event Date: 2016-11-12
- Rolls Note: Archery=9, Deputy R&L and Arts, Range Master, List Keeper
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 15895 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Archery Tourney Make-Up @ Whitney Ranch - Henderson, NV
- Event Date: 2016-12-10
- Rolls Note: Score=19
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 15932 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Valkyrja Wandering Tournament (March)
- Event Date: 2017-03-03
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Sergeant's List:
- Event: 15933 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Valkyrja Wandering Tournament (Feb)
- Event Date: 2017-02-03
- Points Earned:
Combat Roll
Tournament: 1
Sergeant's List:
- Event: 15942 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
1st Quarter Ministry Service & Estate Holder Participation
- Event Date: 2016-02-29
- Rolls Note: Hospitaler and Deputy Rolls & Lists
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
Event Initiation (DI): 1
- Event: 16023 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Pirate Fest 2017
- Event Date: 2017-04-21
- Rolls Note: Archery Booth
- Points Earned:
- Event: 16057 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Dec Monthly ministry
- Event Date: 2015-12-31
- Rolls Note: hosp, dep rolls
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 16058 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Monthly Ministry
- Event Date: 2016-01-01
- Rolls Note: hosp, dep rolls
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 16061 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
March Ministry Service in Las Vegas, NV
- Event Date: 2016-03-31
- Rolls Note: Hospitaler
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 16063 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
April Ministry Service - Las Vegas, NV
- Event Date: 2016-04-30
- Rolls Note: Hospitaler
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 16064 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
May Ministry Service & 3 Month DIs - Las Vegas, NV
- Event Date: 2016-05-31
- Rolls Note: Hospitaler
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
Event Initiation (DI): 1
- Event: 16083 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
June Ministry Service in Las Vegas, NV
- Event Date: 2016-06-30
- Rolls Note: Hospitaler
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 16084 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
July Ministry Service in Las Vegas, NV
- Event Date: 2016-07-31
- Rolls Note: Hospitaler
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 16085 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
August Ministry Service & 3rd Quarter DIs in Las Vegas, NV
- Event Date: 2016-08-31
- Rolls Note: Hospitaler
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
Event Initiation (DI): 1
- Event: 16086 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Sept Ministry Service in Las Vegas, NV
- Event Date: 2016-09-30
- Rolls Note: Hospitaler
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 16087 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Oct Ministry Service in Las Vegas, NV
- Event Date: 2016-10-31
- Rolls Note: Hospitaler
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 16088 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Nov Ministry Service & 4th Quarter DIs in Las Vegas, NV
- Event Date: 2016-11-30
- Rolls Note: Hoapitaler
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
Event Initiation (DI): 1
- Event: 16212 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
June Monthly Estates Meeting and Collegia
- Event Date: 2017-06-24
- Rolls Note: house lady/Court Etiquette/Arrow Fletching/Beginers Embroidary/Beginners Chain Mai
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 1
- Event: 16261 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
June Twilight Tournament
- Event Date: 2017-06-24
- Rolls Note: Marshall
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 16412 (Review Completed)
- Adria
I/NST at Sunset Park, Las Vegas
- Event Date: 2017-10-13
- Rolls Note: judge DI per Her IM Gabriele
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
Event Initiation (DI): 1
- Event: 16427 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Estates Meeting (Nov)
- Event Date: 2017-11-04
- Rolls Note: not present but did arrange and set up iem
- Points Earned:
- Event: 16429 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Imperial Coranation
- Event Date: 2017-11-04
- Rolls Note: AutoCrat
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
Event Initiation (DI): 1
- Event: 16507 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Klaus vs Krampus War/Tournament
- Event Date: 2017-11-18
- Rolls Note: Judge
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Knight's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 16561 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Christmas in England
- Event Date: 2017-12-16
- Rolls Note: Judge
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 16565 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Coronation of TM Etoile and Jaylan
- Event Date: 2018-01-06
- Points Earned:
- Event: 16686 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
AF Estates Meeting
- Event Date: 2018-03-03
- Rolls Note: house lady
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 16688 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Gaelic Games 2018
- Event Date: 2018-03-04
- Rolls Note: arts judge
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 16693 (Review Completed)
- Adria
March IEM - Baltimore Maryland
- Event Date: 2018-03-24
- Rolls Note: dep chanchellor
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 16939 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
May The 4th Be with You
- Event Date: 2018-05-05
- Rolls Note: Court Etiquette/Staying Hydrated
- Points Earned:
- Event: 16997 (Review Completed)
- Glynmore
Rotary Park
- Event Date: 2018-06-23
- Rolls Note: Imperial Deputy Chancellor, conducted meeting and did paperwork for the meeting
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17028 (Review Completed)
- Adria
July IEM~Las Vegas, NV
- Event Date: 2018-07-28
- Rolls Note: Dep. Chancellor
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17087 (Review Completed)
- Albion-Rayonne
A~R Imperial Challenge
- Event Date: 2018-08-23
- Rolls Note: A&S Judge
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17125 (Review Completed)
- Adria
SWCW, Featherly Park
- Event Date: 2018-09-01
- Rolls Note: Listkeeper/Archery; A&S Judge
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 17153 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Trial Las Vegas, NV @ UNLV
- Event Date: 2018-09-08
- Rolls Note: Secretary
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17238 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Nov 2018 IEM - New Orleans
- Event Date: 2018-11-03
- Rolls Note: Dep Imp Chancellor
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17239 (Review Completed)
- Adria
IST @ Sunset Park
- Event Date: 2018-10-12
- Rolls Note: autocrat, prep, rolls Princess pageant
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
Event Initiation (DI): 3
- Event: 17282 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
September Crown War
- Event Date: 2018-09-16
- Rolls Note: judge non judged arts
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 17306 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Day of the Dead (Oct Make Up)
- Event Date: 2018-10-20
- Rolls Note: Non Judged Arts Entry
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List: 1
- Event: 17307 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Nov Estates Meeting
- Event Date: 2018-11-10
- Rolls Note: k2 proxy
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17308 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
November Monthly Tourney
- Event Date: 2018-11-10
- Rolls Note: Non Judged Arts Entry/Demo- Rapier 101/ Teacher-Demo- Ministers 101/
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List: 1
- Event: 17352 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Klaus vs Krampus War/ Tournament
- Event Date: 2018-12-08
- Points Earned:
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 17445 (Review Completed)
- Adria
IEM and Campout
- Event Date: 2019-03-30
- Rolls Note: Deputy Chancellor
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17468 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Crown Tournament
- Event Date: 2019-01-19
- Rolls Note: judge
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1
Journeyman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17471 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Gaelic Games
- Event Date: 2019-03-09
- Rolls Note: Non Judged/Range Master
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17485 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead, Az
- Event Date: 2019-04-06
- Rolls Note: Arts judge, non judged project
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Knight's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 17543 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Kingman, Az
- Event Date: 2019-05-04
- Rolls Note: NJ Arts
- Points Earned:
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17571 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead, Az
- Event Date: 2019-02-23
- Rolls Note: Autocrat, Deputy Imp Chanc, NJ Arts entry
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
Event Initiation (DI): 1
- Event: 17580 (Review Completed)
- Adria
- Event Date: 2019-05-25
- Rolls Note: A&S Judge
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 17581 (Review Completed)
- Rolls record deleted by Katelyn on 2021-10-01 10:48:50
- Adria
Imperial Challenge, SW
- Event Date: 2019-05-26
- Rolls Note: Marshal
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17590 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead, Az
- Event Date: 2019-02-23
- Rolls Note: House Lady
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17611 (Review Completed)
- Adria
IEM, Las Vegas
- Event Date: 2019-07-27
- Rolls Note: Voter; Dep. Chancellor
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17612 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Civil Court~ Participation Issue
- Event Date: 2019-07-27
- Rolls Note: Dep. Chancellor
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17630 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Las Vegas Nv
- Event Date: 2019-06-15
- Rolls Note: judge
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List: 1
Win: 1
(Knight's) ~Win
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17655 (Review Completed)
- Rolls record deleted by Moira Pritani, suo jure on 2019-09-04 15:22:55
- Adria
Imperial Challenge~Summer Session & Finalists
- Event Date: 2019-08-31
- Points Earned:
- Event: 17668 (Review Completed)
- Adria
SWCW @ Canyon RV Park
- Event Date: 2019-08-31
- Rolls Note: R&L (Archery), A&S Judge
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Event Initiation (DI): 1
- Event: 17698 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Kingman az Canton event
- Event Date: 2019-08-17
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 17706 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Fjelborg Kingman, Az Canton Event
- Event Date: 2019-06-29
- Rolls Note: NJ arts
- Points Earned:
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List: 1
- Event: 17744 (Review Completed)
- Adria
IST @ Age of Chivalry
- Event Date: 2019-10-11
- Rolls Note: DI's per Imp Cr
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 1
Event Initiation (DI): 4
- Event: 17750 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead, AZ Crown War 2019
- Event Date: 2019-09-21
- Rolls Note: not signed in
- Points Earned:
- Event: 17751 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead Az July 2019 Summer Survival
- Event Date: 2019-07-06
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17756 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead, Az Aug Summer Surv.
- Event Date: 2019-08-10
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 17757 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead, Az Sept Summer Surv.
- Event Date: 2019-09-21
- Rolls Note: judge
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17759 (Review Completed)
- Adria
San Diego, Ca Nov IEM
- Event Date: 2019-11-02
- Rolls Note: crown
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17802 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead City, AZ October Event
- Event Date: 2019-10-19
- Rolls Note: sitting hrm, huntsman win
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Win: 1
(Standard) ~Win
- Event: 17803 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead City, AZ November event
- Event Date: 2019-11-16
- Rolls Note: sitting hrm
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 17810 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead, Az May 4th Makeup Archery
- Event Date: 2019-05-04
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 17848 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead, Az December Estates Meeting
- Event Date: 2019-12-08
- Rolls Note: crown ep pending imp
- Points Earned:
- Event: 17849 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead, Az Boombox Parade
- Event Date: 2019-12-08
- Rolls Note: hrm
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17850 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Klaus v. Krampus 9 Bullhead, AZ
- Event Date: 2019-12-08
- Rolls Note: hrm, judge, Marshal
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 17851 (Review Completed)
- Cathair Na Caillte
- Event Date: 2019-12-06
- Points Earned:
- Event: 17852 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Boom Box Parade - Bullhead
- Event Date: 2019-12-06
- Points Earned:
- Event: 17856 (Review Completed)
- Terre Neuve
Imperial Coronation
- Event Date: 2019-11-02
- Points Earned:
- Event: 17918 (Review Completed)
- Albion-Rayonne
- Event Date: 2020-01-18
- Rolls Note: Arts Judge
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17922 (Review Completed)
- Albion-Rayonne
Champions Tourney @ Fortress Brochmann
- Event Date: 2020-01-26
- Rolls Note: Archery=36
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 17925 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Wase Hale Bullhead, Az
- Event Date: 2020-01-19
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 17926 (Review Completed)
- Umbria
UMB- Local Coronation
- Event Date: 2020-01-11
- Rolls Note: Arts Judge
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17929 (Review Completed)
- Adria
End of year di and monthly crown ep
- Event Date: 2019-10-31
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17946 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead, Az
- Event Date: 2020-02-09
- Rolls Note: judge, list mistress
- Points Earned:
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 1
Knight's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 17951 (Review Completed)
- Rolls record deleted by Katelyn on 2020-03-24 06:01:52
- Auroch's Fjord
AF Dec2019 Combat Make-up
- Event Date: 2019-12-08
- Points Earned:
- Event: 17955 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Las Vegas, NV Boy Scout Demo
- Event Date: 2020-02-11
- Points Earned:
- Event: 17992 (Review Completed)
- Adria
End of Reign Imp Mini DI
- Event Date: 2019-10-31
- Rolls Note: chancellor
- Points Earned:
- Event: 18015 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Gaelic Games Bullhead City, AZ
- Event Date: 2020-03-14
- Rolls Note: Sitting Crown, arts judge, arts TW
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List: 1
Win: 1
(Knight's) ~Win
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18020 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead, Az AF MARCH KEM
- Event Date: 2020-03-15
- Rolls Note: Crown, K2
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18036 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imp minister ep
- Event Date: 2017-11-30
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18037 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Minister EP
- Event Date: 2017-12-31
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18038 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Minister ep
- Event Date: 2018-01-31
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18039 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Minister ep
- Event Date: 2018-02-28
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18040 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Minister ep
- Event Date: 2018-03-31
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18041 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Minister ep
- Event Date: 2018-04-30
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18042 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial ministry ep
- Event Date: 2018-05-31
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18043 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Minister ep
- Event Date: 2018-06-30
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18044 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Minister ep
- Event Date: 2018-07-30
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18045 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Minister ep
- Event Date: 2018-08-30
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18046 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Minister ep
- Event Date: 2018-09-30
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18052 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial minister ep
- Event Date: 2018-10-31
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18053 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial minister ep
- Event Date: 2018-11-30
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18055 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Minister ep
- Event Date: 2018-12-31
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18056 (Review Completed)
- Adria
imperial minister ep
- Event Date: 2019-01-31
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18057 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Minister ep
- Event Date: 2019-02-28
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18059 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Minister ep
- Event Date: 2019-03-31
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18060 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Minister ep
- Event Date: 2019-04-30
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18061 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Minister ep
- Event Date: 2019-05-31
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18062 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Minister ep
- Event Date: 2019-06-30
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18063 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Minister ep
- Event Date: 2019-07-31
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18064 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Minister ep
- Event Date: 2019-08-30
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18065 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Minister ep
- Event Date: 2019-09-30
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18066 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial minister ep
- Event Date: 2019-10-31
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18108 (Review Completed)
- Adria
JIEM electronic
- Event Date: 2020-07-18
- Rolls Note: crown
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18119 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
- Event Date: 2020-08-29
- Rolls Note: County Crows Vote
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18125 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
January Tourney
Bullhead City, AZ
- Event Date: 2021-01-02
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 18131 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Zoom - Auroch's Fjord Annual Collegium
- Event Date: 2021-02-27
- Rolls Note: Taught How to Autocrat class
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 2
Event Initiation (DI): 1
- Event: 18134 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
July 2020 Makeup
- Event Date: 2020-07-04
- Rolls Note: Archery: 5
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 18135 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
- Event Date: 2021-04-11
- Rolls Note: K2
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18151 (Review Completed)
- Adria
March IEM Zoom
- Event Date: 2021-03-13
- Rolls Note: AF Queen
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18158 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
- Event Date: 2021-06-06
- Points Earned:
- Event: 18178 (Review Completed)
- Rolls record deleted by Katelyn on 2021-08-03 21:21:04
- Alhambra
april makeup
- Event Date: 2019-04-18
- Rolls Note: Queen of AF
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18182 (Review Completed)
- Adria
IEM on Zoom
- Event Date: 2021-07-10
- Rolls Note: Cr
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18300 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Kingman, AZ
- Event Date: 2021-09-11
- Rolls Note: Crown, Autocrat, Collegium Marshalling
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 18301 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Kingman, AZ
- Event Date: 2021-08-14
- Rolls Note: Crown, Autocrat
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 18302 (Review Completed)
- Adria
2021 SW ICW and Tournament
- Event Date: 2021-09-04
- Rolls Note: Art Judge
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 18340 (Review Completed)
- Adria
2021 IST @ AoC Renn Faire
- Event Date: 2021-10-15
- Rolls Note: 2725; A&S Judge; t/d
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 2
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 3
- Event: 18353 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead, AZ
- Event Date: 2021-10-03
- Rolls Note: Crown; Huntsman win 8 pts
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Win: 1
(Standard) ~Win
- Event: 18354 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead City, AZ
- Event Date: 2021-12-03
- Rolls Note: Crown
- Points Earned:
- Event: 18390 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead City, AZ
- Event Date: 2021-12-04
- Rolls Note: Archery: 23, Ministry: Marshall
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 18391 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead City, AZ
- Event Date: 2020-04-04
- Rolls Note: Crown
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 18393 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead City, AZ
- Event Date: 2021-11-06
- Rolls Note: Crown
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18394 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Cecil Davis Park, AZ
- Event Date: 2020-06-01
- Rolls Note: Archery Hman added; Crown; List mistress
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18395 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Cecil Davis Park, AZ
- Event Date: 2020-05-02
- Rolls Note: Crown
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18397 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
- Event Date: 2021-12-04
- Rolls Note: Crown; Countess Royal
- Points Earned:
- Event: 18594 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Gaelic Games VII,
Sunset Park
2601 E Sunset Rd
Las Vegas, NV 89120
- Event Date: 2023-03-11
- Rolls Note: Archery: 15
Ministry: Judge #2
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18775 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
AF Crown Tourney
Bullhead City, AZ
- Event Date: 2023-01-28
- Rolls Note: arts judge & Crown
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18781 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Coronation Feast
Bullhead City, AZ
- Event Date: 2023-01-28
- Points Earned:
- Event: 18804 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Boom Box Parade
- Event Date: 2022-12-02
- Points Earned:
- Event: 18805 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead City
- Event Date: 2022-12-03
- Rolls Note: Archery: 60
Ministry: Crown
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 18839 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Knight of the Dead
Kingman, AZ
- Event Date: 2022-11-05
- Rolls Note: Archery: 0
Ministry: Crown, Arts Judge
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18840 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
October Tourney
Kingman, AZ
- Event Date: 2022-10-01
- Rolls Note: Archery: 23
Ministry: Crown, Arts Judge
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18842 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead City, AZ
- Event Date: 2022-10-01
- Rolls Note: Ministry: Crown. Autocrat
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18843 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Summer Survivors September
Bullhead City, AZ
- Event Date: 2022-09-17
- Rolls Note: Archery: 20
Ministry: Crown, Judge
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18844 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Summer Survivors
Bullhead City, Az
- Event Date: 2022-08-06
- Rolls Note: Archery: 0
Ministry: Crown, Arts Judge
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18845 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Summer Survivors
- Event Date: 2022-07-02
- Rolls Note: Archery: 0
Ministry: Crown, Arts Judge
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18849 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Fools War and Tourney
Bullhead City, AZ
- Event Date: 2022-04-02
- Rolls Note: Archery: 33
Ministry: Arts Judge, Crown
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Win: 1
(Standard) ~Win
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1 War: 1
- Event: 18850 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
April Tourney
Bullhead City, AZ
- Event Date: 2021-04-03
- Rolls Note: Archery: 35
Ministry: Crown
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18888 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Arts Docs Collegium
- Event Date: 2022-08-06
- Points Earned:
- Event: 18895 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Knot Making Collegium
Bullhead City, AZ
- Event Date: 2022-09-17
- Points Earned:
- Event: 18905 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
- Event Date: 2022-03-06
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18906 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
- Event Date: 2022-03-27
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18907 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
- Event Date: 2022-02-26
- Rolls Note: Ministry:Crown
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 18926 (Review Completed)
- Albion-Rayonne
July 2023 Monthly Event
- Event Date: 2023-07-02
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 18932 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
February Tourney
Bullhead City, AZ
- Event Date: 2022-02-26
- Rolls Note: Archery: 4, Ministry: Crown
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19038 (Review Completed)
- Adria
IMPERIAL EXCEPTION - 2022 Nov IEM, Coronation, and Steel Collegium
- Event Date: 2022-11-12
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19049 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
February 2021 Makeup,
Bullhead City, AZ
- Event Date: 2021-02-06
- Rolls Note: Archery: 32
Ministry: crown
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19050 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Bullhead City, AZ
August 2020 Makeup
- Event Date: 2020-08-01
- Rolls Note: Archery: 9, Ministry: Crown
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19059 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
October Make Up
- Event Date: 2020-10-03
- Rolls Note: Archery: 20, Ministry: Crown
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19060 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
November Make-Up
- Event Date: 2020-11-07
- Rolls Note: Archery: 21, Ministry: Marshall
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19061 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
December Make-Up
- Event Date: 2020-12-05
- Rolls Note: Archery: 8
Ministry: Crown, Arts Judge
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19062 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Gaelic Games
- Event Date: 2022-03-19
- Rolls Note: Archery: 9, Ministry: Arts Judge, Crown
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19064 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
March Make-up 2021
Bullhead City, AZ
- Event Date: 2021-03-06
- Rolls Note: Archery:56
Ministry: Crown
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19120 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Imperial Exception - 2022 IST, Part One
- Event Date: 2022-10-07
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19141 (Entry)
- Adria
Imperial Exception: 2023 July IEM in Las Vegas
- Event Date: 2022-07-09
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19165 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Zoom KEM
- Event Date: 2023-10-22
- Rolls Note: Vote Holder
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19223 (Review Completed)
- Adria
- Event Date: 2023-10-06
- Points Earned:
Robe Roll
Tournament: 1
Knight's List: 1
- Event: 19224 (Review Completed)
- Adria
- Event Date: 2023-10-07
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19225 (Review Completed)
- Adria
- Event Date: 2023-10-08
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19233 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Summer Survivors
- Event Date: 2023-07-01
- Rolls Note: archery: 19
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 19234 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Summer Survivors - August
- Event Date: 2023-08-05
- Rolls Note: Archery: 17
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 19235 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Summer Survivors - September
Kingman, AZ
- Event Date: 2023-09-23
- Rolls Note: Archery: 35
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
Win: 1
(Standard) ~Win
- Event: 19252 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Minister Quarterly DI
- Event Date: 2023-03-01
- Rolls Note: Q1 Justicar Participation
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19253 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Minister Quarterly DI
- Event Date: 2023-06-01
- Rolls Note: Q2 Justicar Participation
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19254 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Minister Quarterly DI
- Event Date: 2023-09-01
- Rolls Note: Q3 Justicar Participation
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19255 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Minister Quarterly DI
- Event Date: 2023-12-01
- Rolls Note: Q4 Justicar Participation
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19411 (Review Completed)
- Adria
Qtly Crown DI Pt 1
- Event Date: 2023-10-31
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19420 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Arabian Knights
- Event Date: 2024-06-09
- Rolls Note: Archery: 33
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 19460 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
KEM - Zoom
- Event Date: 2024-03-10
- Points Earned:
Ministry Roll
Tournament: 1
- Event: 19511 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
February Tourney
- Event Date: 2024-02-11
- Rolls Note: Archery: 23
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1
Huntsman's List: 1
- Event: 19563 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Ministry DI´s Q1
- Event Date: 2024-03-31
- Rolls Note: Ministry: Justicar
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19564 (Review Completed)
- Auroch's Fjord
Ministry DI Q2
- Event Date: 2024-06-30
- Rolls Note: Ministry: Justicar
- Points Earned:
- Event: 19770 (Review Completed)
- Adria
IST Las Vegas
- Event Date: 2024-10-11
- Rolls Note: Archery: 41, Leadership - Ballistas
- Points Earned:
Archery Roll
Tournament: 1 Demo: 1
Huntsman's List: 1