Rolls Detail

Rolls Detail


9394 Asgar Wulfstan
  • Event: 14686 (Entry)
  • Somerset
    antwerp conservation club
  • Event Date: 2015-10-25
  • Points Earned:
  • Event: 14687 (Review Completed)
  • Somerset
    antwerp conservation club
  • Event Date: 2015-10-25
  • Rolls Note: arts scribe
  • Points Earned:
    • Archery Roll
      Tournament: 1
    •    Huntsman's List: 1
    • Combat Roll
      Tournament: 1
    •    Sergeant's List: 1
    • Ministry Roll
      Tournament: 1
  • Event: 14689 (Review Completed)
  • Somerset
    antwerp conservation club
  • Event Date: 2014-09-27
  • Rolls Note: archery class, knighthood & estates class, bow history class
  • Points Earned:
    • Archery Roll
      Tournament: 1 Demo: 2
    •    Huntsman's List: 1
    • Ministry Roll
      Tournament: 1 Demo: 1
  • Event: 14690 (Review Completed)
  • Somerset
    antwerp conservation club
  • Event Date: 2015-07-26
  • Points Earned:
    • Combat Roll
      Tournament: 1
    •    Sergeant's List: 1
    • Ministry Roll
      Tournament: 1
  • Event: 14862 (Review Completed)
  • Wolfendorf
    Crown Tourney @ Jotunheim
  • Event Date: 2015-09-20
  • Points Earned:
    • Archery Roll
      Tournament: 1 Demo: 1
    •    Bowman's List: 1    Win: 1
           (Standard) ~Win
    • Combat Roll
      Tournament: 1 Demo: 1
    •    Knight's List: 1
  • Event: 15244 (Review Completed)
  • Somerset
    Michaelmas at the Baronial Residence
  • Event Date: 2015-12-13
  • Points Earned:
    • Ministry Roll
      Tournament: 1
  • Event: 15249 (Review Completed)
  • Somerset
  • Event Date: 2015-02-22
  • Points Earned:
  • Event: 15254 (Review Completed)
  • Somerset
    antwerp conxervation club
  • Event Date: 2016-03-07
  • Points Earned:
    • Archery Roll
      Tournament: 1
    •    Huntsman's List: 1
    • Ministry Roll
      Tournament: 1
  • Event: 15255 (Review Completed)
  • Somerset
    Jubilee at Antwerp's Keep
  • Event Date: 2016-04-17
  • Points Earned:
    • Archery Roll
      Tournament: 1
    •    Huntsman's List: 1
    • Combat Roll
      Tournament: 1
    •    Sergeant's List: 1
    • Ministry Roll
      Tournament: 1
  • Event: 15484 (Review Completed)
  • Wolfendorf
    Crown Demo @ Viking Fest
  • Event Date: 2016-04-30
  • Points Earned:
    • Combat Roll
      Demo: 1
    • Ministry Roll
      Demo: 1
  • Event: 15485 (Review Completed)
  • Wolfendorf
    Crown Tourney @ Jotunheim
  • Event Date: 2016-06-11
  • Rolls Note: Judge
  • Points Earned:
    • Archery Roll
      Tournament: 1
    •    Huntsman's List: 1
    • Combat Roll
      Demo: 1
    • Ministry Roll
      Tournament: 1
  • Event: 16139 (Review Completed)
  • Wolfendorf
    meeting halll in trailor park
  • Event Date: 2017-01-21
  • Points Earned:
    • Ministry Roll
      Tournament: 1
  • Event: 16380 (Review Completed)
  • Wolfendorf
    bowels estate
  • Event Date: 2017-07-08
  • Rolls Note: steward
  • Points Earned:
    • Archery Roll
      Tournament: 1
    •    Huntsman's List: 1
    • Combat Roll
      Tournament: 1
    •    Knight's List: 1   Win: 1
           (Rapier) ~Win
    • Ministry Roll
      Tournament: 1
  • Event: 16855 (Review Completed)
  • Wolfendorf
    Crown War
  • Event Date: 2016-11-19
  • Points Earned:
    • Archery Roll
      Tournament: 1 War: 1
    •    Huntsman's List: 1
    • Combat Roll
      Tournament: 1 War: 1
    •    Sergeant's List: 1   Win: 1
           (Shinai) ~Win
    • Robe Roll
      Tournament: 1 War: 1
    •    Knight's List: 1
  • Event: 16856 (Review Completed)
  • Wolfendorf
    Crown Event
  • Event Date: 2017-06-10
  • Points Earned:
    • Archery Roll
      Tournament: 1
    •    Huntsman's List: 1
    • Combat Roll
      Tournament: 1
    •    Knight's List: 1
  • Event: 16861 (Review Completed)
  • Wolfendorf
    August crown event
  • Event Date: 2017-08-19
  • Rolls Note: steward judge
  • Points Earned:
    • Archery Roll
      Tournament: 1
    •    Huntsman's List: 1
    • Combat Roll
      Tournament: 1
    •    Knight's List: 1
    • Ministry Roll
      Tournament: 1

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