War Pointsoriginally published in September, 2002, written by Dame Marcella Visconti, IMoRL Originally published 2/2002 by IMoRL
The commonly asked question is: What points did I earn at War? The following should answer most of your questions. Collegiums at Imperial War: must meet the requirements set forth in the By-Laws, announcement and sanction requirements prior to the event. The Autocrat/Instructor earns a Demo Initiation (DI) for teaching the class as long as it has a Sign-In "Collegium Participation" sheet showing a minimum of 10 participants/attendees, unless the requirement is waived by the Imperial Crowns. All DIs are awarded solely at the discretion of the Imperial Crowns. Participants who sign in for collegiums/classes may earn a Demo Participation (DP) for every collegium/class they attend. The type of DP is determined by the type of collegium/class the participant is attending and designated by the Autocrat/Instructor at the beginning of the collegium/class. Local War: The same as above with the exception that the local Crowns award DIs, and DPs. Main Sign In: Each "Event Participation" sign-in sheet has the Adrian Empire Waiver at the top of the sheet. Please print clearly your mundane name so the Rolls Minister can enter points without having to track down other members to decipher who you are. Parents or Guardians must sign for minors on the same line as the minor's name and note their age. Signing in does not earn you a participation point! You will be reported on the Attend Only report as part of our obligation to our 501.c.3 status. Combat: There are two combat activities at an Imperial War, the actual War and a Tournament the following the War. Combatants must sign the "Event Participation" sign in sheet and the Combat Lists which are maintained on the actual combat field. This allows for accurate accounting of the member's separate War and Tournament points. A War Point (WP) is earned for participation in the War Scenerios. The combatant is not automatically awarded a Tournament Point (EP). The member must participate in the Imperial Tournament following the War in order to obtain the extra EP (Double Dip). Arts and Archery: Artisans and Target Archers can obtain a War Point (WP) and Imperial Tournament EP for their single participation. Ministry: All members actively participating in Ministry at War obtain a War Point (WP). This includes, but is not limited to: Range Masters, Arts Judges, Arts Scribes, Event Sign-In Table, Heralds, Combat Marshals, Water Bearers, active Physikers and all Imperial Ministers involved on site. The exception to this is Combat List Keepers. They are not used for War Scenerios. Physikers, Marshals and Water Bearers must sign in on the field Combat List in order to obtain the WP and, or Tournament EP. Signing in at the Steward's Table does not automatically earn you these points. A member may earn a second (2nd) point for the month by participating in a local Tournament. These points can be earned in any or all of the Disciplines after participating in an Imperial sanctioned War and Tournament.
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