The Adrian Empire

Medieval / Early Renaissance Re-creation

The Adrian Empire is dedicated to the study and re-creation of Western European culture between the the year 793 and 1625. Our members work to re-create the arts, skills, and culture of this range of the Medieval and Renaissance eras. Local chapters usually meet on a monthly basis and hold tournaments of combat, archery, and the arts. Occasional regional as well as two annual national "wars" are also held which include both tournaments and group battle scenarios. At all of our events, we strive to wear period garb, set up period encampments or settings, and comport ourselves with chivalry and honor.



Adrians hold regular archery tournaments in historic style. While wooden bows are encouraged, modern bows are allowed if they are not compound and have no sights or counterbalances and our archery tournaments allow only wooden shafted arrows. Period crossbow tournaments are currently being studied within the group. See the Missile Weapons Manual for details.

Archery is integrated into some combat scenarios.
We use arrows made of fiberglass safetey shafts with specially constructed padded tips and bows with limited power.


Adrians reproduce non-choreographed combat competitions in both one-on-one and group battle scenarios.
Combat takes place in three basic forms: a training form for beginners using bamboo weapons, (The Shinai we use are specially configured 4 slat Kendo swords modified to emulate a longsword.) Rapier (a renaissance-style using specific varieties of fencing-type weapons, and STEEL. (Heavy armored combat using rebated/blunted steel weapons.)
Safety is the top priority and our rules state minimum standards on armor worn and limitations on weapons used.
See the Combat Manual for details.


Arts and Sciences

Adrians strive to re-create various historical humanities. We research and reproduce objects that existed in period, using period construction techniques whenever possible. Examples include costuming, cooking, needlework, drawing, bardics (e.g. song and tale), wood and metal working etc.
See the Arts and Sciences Manual for details.

Rolls & Lists  Chancellor  Steward  Hospitaler
College of Arms  Publishing

Ministry service is the administrative side that holds Adria together. Adrian ministers take sign-ins, track member progress, monitor combat for safety issues, review arts and sciences projects, and prepare the national newsletter just to scratch the surface. If you want to help track or process information behind the scenes or even wear a crown and be the face of a region or the Empire itself, ministry service is for you. Just talk to someone doing a job and offer to help and they should be able to point you in the right direction.

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The Adrian Empire, Inc. | All Rights Reserved.

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